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Author Topic: big one first day  (Read 970 times)


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big one first day
« on: February 11, 2006, 12:41:12 PM »
I finally got the big one punched up.  I have to say guy who drilled it up for me is awesome.  If you ever want a ball that done high quality this is your guy.  Lane 1 proshop in phnx city, al.  He is really good.  

Well after bringing the ball in he laid the ball out.  We had to go with a modified drilling where the pin is around ten o, clock.  (Lefthanded) and at a 70 degree pap.  

I didnt really know what to expect when I broke it out took it to my normal bowling center and this place is known for hooking a ton. Well get it out this ball all I can say is a beast.  It is by far 7 to 8 boards stronger then my one.  My one didnt have a chance on this shot but this ball.  Wow it doesnt know the word quite.  Throw it out the ball turn on a blinker and then pulls the emergency brake.  That is the kind of reaction I am talking about.  Overall  my games were 220, 300,210 wasnt terrific but the tournament was pretty much a no tap.  The 300 I didnt have a single tap all game but oh well.