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Author Topic: Big Time Layout Advice  (Read 1474 times)


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Big Time Layout Advice
« on: August 14, 2005, 05:55:48 PM »
I'm returning to give Ebonite a chance.
Both my g/f and I are picking up Big Times later this week.

Problem being is that I am undecided on the layouts.

My g/f is a major issue-being that she is a high track player with
med/low ball speed and a low rev rate.  Since this was going to be her
heavy oil ball-i was considering a label or stacked leverage layout, but bumping the pin up above her finger line.

For myself, I have average speed and med/high revs.  I prefer playing an inside line.  I was planning on polishing this ball up to get it down the lane.  I was considering either Ebonites Med. RG Strong layout or a stacked leverage layout.

I haven't seen Ebonite ball reactions with any of these layouts.  So if someone could reply back with what I can expect, or a layout I should try, it would be greatly appreciated.  

Much thanks!



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Re: Big Time Layout Advice
« Reply #1 on: August 15, 2005, 11:18:17 AM »
Thanks for the reply,

I will probably run the stacked leverage layout for my
g/f since you seem to have good results with the layout.

I still plan on polishing mine up.  From what I have read
a polished surface seems to work better for higher revs.
Judging from your reaction, I guess I will stay away from any
leverage layout.  More than likely I guess I will go with my
usual layout, something along the lines of Medium RG strong.


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Re: Big Time Layout Advice
« Reply #2 on: August 16, 2005, 11:48:44 PM »
Redline....I agree with the layout for the g/f. I would suggest for you a pattern similar to my Big Time and Big Time Pearl. Both have 3" Pins and are layed out with the pin under the Ring finger and the CG kicked out. This gives the ball quite a bit of rollover on the backend. I usually play with the Big Time until the lanes start breaking down then move to the Big Time Pearl and move deeper inside. Sounds funny but the Pearl is much more longer and angular and is the perfect compliment for the original. If you can, pick up one of each and they will match up to your game well. You sound like you have a similar game to one I like to play alot in league. With just these 2 balls this summer have averaged 236 with them on synthetic house with plenty of oil on 5 member team league. Good Luck.


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Re: Big Time Layout Advice
« Reply #3 on: August 17, 2005, 01:34:56 AM »
Thanks for the replies from everyone so far!

So I got both balls drilled up tonight

My g/f's:  I wanted something to read the lanes real early.  After going over the layout that I had planned with my ball driller, we both tossed the idea out.  We considered a basic stacked leverage, but decided on the rev leverage layout.  I was excited because I had never seen or considered this layout.  

So we drilled a 2.5inch pin Big Time.  It came out legal since we drilled the thumb hole deep.  We could have put in a x-hole if we needed, but we waited to see the ball roll first.

So yah, she's got a high track, slow ball speed, low/med revs.  She plays down and in about 15 to 10 or 10 to 10.  She let the ball out, held nice started reading real early.  At the breakpoint this ball revved up and made a real clean snap to the pocket.  The ball throws the 6 hard into the side walls, got better pin action than mine.  If the ball got out, it still came back, but brooklyn shots took out the 4 and 7 naturally.  

Mine unfortuneatly didn't come as planned.  I was expecting a 3inch pin, but only came with a 1.5inch pin.  So yah, anything above the fingers was out of the question.  So I stuck with my usual layout the medium RG strong with a weight hole about under my PAP on the VAL.

I play deep inside with med/high ball speed and a good amount of revs.  I played 25 out to 15 with a breakpoint on my g/f line at 10.  The ball was also polished out of the box.  After I found my line the ball was very nice.  Made a nice smooth arc to pocket and was very forgiving.  Too far out and the ball came back leaving me with corner pins.  Pulled shots actually held line and in some cases even struck.  So I was very pleased.

I moved to my g/f line, and playing from 20 up 10, my ball still out hooked hers by a good 3-5 boards.  

This will probably serve as my benchmark ball and fits nicely between my Smokin Inferno and Punisher.


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Re: Big Time Layout Advice
« Reply #4 on: August 17, 2005, 02:25:59 AM »
This is what I would like to see, after drilling feedbacks on the balls.  I hope more people would do this.  It really helps on ball choice.





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Re: Big Time Layout Advice
« Reply #5 on: August 17, 2005, 06:15:36 PM »
Glad I can help.

I will probably be taking my g/f's ball in to have the x-hole
punched into the ball.  Should be down lower than what I am used to seeing since the CG is already shifted down, and the x-hole is place on a CoG to CG line.

I talked with Ebonite tech support (really fast replies!), they said I should expect an eariler and stronger read, and probably a ball that revs up more easily.

I will post up results if I end up going through with it.