so ive had about 20 games on my new maxim and when i first got it... it would go so straight, id stand on 10 and throw it over 5 and it would hit the 6 square in the face.. now the ball goes brooklyn, does anyone know of a bowling ball to ever do this? i dont think it could be the carry down.. or perhaps someone bowled before i got to bowl on the lanes.. i know the lanes to be exactly the same every time out. and i expect that maxim to hit the 6 pin square in the face if i stand on 10 and throw it over 5.
my pro shop guys says to take it down to 320 then 400 then 800 then 1000 then 2000 then 4000 then use extender polish... so i did and it still goes brooklyn!! should i plug and redrill??
i recently notice my One, my overtime, my big time and my big one doesnt hook as much as it used to... so now i throw my maxim for strikes(brooklyn) and my high performance stuff for spares.
Paul Smith
04/05 PBA West Region Rookie of the Year
Ebonite Regional Staff
"Bowl to Win"