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Author Topic: Biggest hooking ball?  (Read 2763 times)


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Biggest hooking ball?
« on: March 28, 2004, 12:38:37 AM »
I'm looking for a heavy oil ball in the ebonite line that could out hook my piece-of-crap Storm Fear Factor.I throw about 15mph with low-medium revs.



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Re: Biggest hooking ball?
« Reply #1 on: March 28, 2004, 05:53:13 PM »
Is the Apex Addiction one of them?


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Re: Biggest hooking ball?
« Reply #2 on: March 29, 2004, 01:02:41 PM »
I have to agree with Drrev2000. If you have slow ball speed and big hooking ball isnt for you.
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Oil is served Best with fingers!
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Re: Biggest hooking ball?
« Reply #3 on: March 29, 2004, 10:37:41 PM »
i will say that i think the fear factor is a pile of crap for one. AND that the addiction is a sweet ball for oil from what i have seen of it.  Of the newest balls the V2strong is a nice oiler and the Killer Instinct Sanded is just a bit more ball than that. I didn't get along with the sanded but thats me.


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Re: Biggest hooking ball?
« Reply #4 on: March 30, 2004, 03:54:42 PM »
If I can chime in here one more time, I wouldn't waste the money on the KI pearl. I would suggest getting the prime time and drilling it strong. At demo days I thought the Prime Time was the best ball there, bar none.  If you do elect to go with the less aggressive ball and let your speed help you, then i would highly suggest saving the money and getting the Prime Time.  They have all balls there drilled for max reaction, and the PT was amazing, I didn't feel that the KIP was any better on any condition and the carry was BETTER with the PT for me... Don't take my word for it, there are others here that will agree

da Shiv

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Re: Biggest hooking ball?
« Reply #5 on: March 30, 2004, 04:04:28 PM »
After about eight years of reading ball reviews in BTM and reading the claims made in ball ads that the latest ball from everybody hooks five boards more than the last one, it appears that we must all be using lane approaches four or more lanes off to the side of the lane holding the pins we're trying to knock down.  That being the case, just about any ball should do.

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Re: Biggest hooking ball?
« Reply #6 on: March 30, 2004, 04:31:39 PM »
BigMac - Where do you live?  You may want to check the Ebonite site to see if there is an upcomming "Demo Days" near you.  That would allow you to throw a number of balls from the Ebonite line and find one that hooks the way you want it to.  Remember too that other ball companies and even local pro shops will do "ball days" or "demo days" (or whatever you want to call them) to allow us equipment explorers to try stuff out.  They know that if we like something enough, we'll buy it.

Definitely make sure your pro shop operator knows how you throw the ball, where your positive access point is, etc.  Your Fear Factor may be setup is such a fashion that it is rolling out at 30 feet - especially if you're an "up-the-backer".  Conversely, if you've got close to a 90degree axis rotation and a high axis tilt, your ball might be set up in such a fashion that you'd need an 80-foot lane before your ball makes its move.

As for a simple answer, the entire Apex line is hook-in-a-box.  Way too much surface for me, but maybe not for you.  You can get NIB Obsessions pretty cheap on eBay right now.
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