What I do is put soap in the bucket (any dish detergent) and fill it with hot tap water. Put the ball in let it sit for about 10-15min, scrub it while in the water (might want gloves if you do this). The take the ball out wash bucket out and get all the soap out then refill with hot tap water, no soap and set the ball in there for another 10-15 min and if there is oil on top of the water you need to take ball out and clean bucket and refill with hot tap water and redo the process till you see no more oil on top of the water.
No, you don't have to remove any grips or anything, no you don't have to plug the holes or anything like that.
The only thing is you have to let it air dry for about 1 day before use to make sure its dry inside as well as the outside of the ball. Very easy process and makes a BIG difference if you don't have a habit of cleaning equipment after every use.
MoRich bowling - Better take some Viagra, you don't want to go soft throwing a MoRich!