I had a Champion drilled up a few days ago. I don't know why, other than it was sitting on the shelf in the proshop, I was offered a great deal, and I got caught up in a "what the hell" moment.
I hadn't bought an Ebonite ball in close to 10 years, so this was new territory for me. Anyway, I can honestly say I can't remember having so much fun throwing a ball. On fresh with oil in heads, you can throw straight up the boards with a quick aggressive left turn at the break. Alternatively, I can move fairly deep and have perfect confidence in recovery.
I've seen a lot of IQ Tour Pearls thrown, and while it's an impressive ball, I believe the Champion is a notch up. I know Ebonite mindset has gone into the tank, but this ball is the real deal. If bowlers give it a chance, it will become popular.