Considering places like Buddies and most distributors are selling the Unknowns for roughly $140 shipped, distributors are making a profit (figure $10 per ball shipping charges) puts the price at around $130 a distributor is getting. Distributors are making $20? $30? a ball...meaning Ebo is selling to the distributor for around $100 per ball. Subtract shipping expenses to get the balls to the distributors, marketing costs, 2 boxes to pack each ball in, actual cost of each ball to make, etc, Ebonite may gross $800,000 ($100 per ball x 8000 balls) but I bet they net at best 50% of that number....maybe.
The true gold in this promotion is all the free advertising which will enable to company to promote future products, especially if the Unknown turns out to be a good ball for those who purchase one.