hey there ambi I am not totally following what you are saying. What I can say to you is one,did you read my post;I was bowling on a us open pattern,if that wasnt what was out there they lied to me. After I was eliminated there were lanes available for practice. I polished the ball and posted my result. I wasnt complaining or asking for any assistance in this post just offering my experience with this ball. the ball wasnt hooking before I polished it and then it was, period. I am no pro,I like to bowl and I try balls as they peak my curiousity. Has everyone I have bought worked for me,no. I bet I am not the only one that can say that I am sure.
I am really confused that you would take this opportunity to berate me about past posts on past balls. My opinion is just that,mine,you dont have to like it,it may not be coincidental with yours, sorry for that too,but if you offer your opinion about something I promise you I am not going to attack you for that. I am going to read it ,or not ,and take what I will and leave the rest,thats all this post was meant for.
my style, the art of bowling without bowling