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Author Topic: Cyclone Surface Change  (Read 2110 times)

Bill Thomas

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Cyclone Surface Change
« on: March 28, 2013, 01:25:00 PM »
I have 2 new Cyclones which are drilled alike and would like to alter the box surface on one to get a different reaction.  I plan to keep one in box condition and am considering just knocking the shine off of the other.  I don't have a spinner but do have burgundy and green 3M Scotch Brite Pads and 500, 1000, 2000, and 4000 abralon pads.  Any suggestions on how I might go about altering the surface to the one ball to go a little longer?



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Re: Cyclone Surface Change
« Reply #1 on: March 28, 2013, 02:21:51 PM »
Stock surface is 4000 + polish.
While sanding without a spinner can be tedious and irregular, it can be done.
I'd use a 2000 pad with lots of water to start with.
2000 is pretty dull when compared with 4000+polish, so it might not be a bad use point. You can always try 4000 if the 2000 is too early.

When sanding, I'd suggest having some damp strong paper towels, like Bounty, on hand to wipe the resin slurry you create with the pad; so you're not sanding the slurry back into the coverstock. A couple of swipes on each half should be good.
Keep the sanding pad wet while using circular motion.

If you want it rougher than 2000, I'd suggest the Light grey Scotch-Brite pad. That's 800 grit CAMI, which is approx. 1600 grit FEPA. (All Abralon and Siaair pads are FEPA grades.) Green SB pad is 600 grit CAMI or approx 1200 grit FEPA.
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