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Author Topic: Dead Adrenalines?  (Read 7788 times)


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Dead Adrenalines?
« on: June 16, 2003, 08:09:30 PM »
Hello all,

It seemed that last season EVERYONE was throwing the Apex Adrenaline. However I've noticed that I see very few of them now days.

A teammate of mine cussed at his quite a bit saying it had lost it's pop after only 50 games or so. He cleans his equipment after everysession with storm's reacta-clean, so I know it's been well taken care of. Now I'm in the market for a fairly strong particle ball & he says I can have his Adrenaline for free. However with money being tight I dont want to end up paying for a plug & redrill on a "dead" ball, or one that is going to be dead soon.

So my question is.... where did all the Adrenalines go & do they really die that quick?



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Re: Dead Adrenalines?
« Reply #1 on: June 17, 2003, 11:24:05 AM »
Here's how I look at it........
If money is tight,....don't bother with something you're not 100% sure of.  Spend the money wisely and get exactly what you want...then it won't be wasted...yes ?
Jeff -what I am: Revs -what I want!


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Re: Dead Adrenalines?
« Reply #2 on: June 17, 2003, 12:01:24 PM »

That's why I'm posting here. If the Adrenaline has a fairly long life, it would be the exact kind of ball I'm looking for, and I can't beat the initial cost of the ball (read: FREE).

However if people have found that the Adrenaline does indeed die off earlier than expected, then I would save my $40 for plug & re-drill & keep looking for a particle solution.

Really at this point I cant afford much more than $50 including plug & drill, so my options are EXTREMELY limited. I've just found that with every outing I'm wishing more & more that I had a particle option in my bag.


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Re: Dead Adrenalines?
« Reply #3 on: June 17, 2003, 12:18:42 PM »
Bjaardker: I'm always puzzled when I read posts to the effect that "my ball died after 50 games...".

Maybe it's true and I don't want to totally discount the observation, but 50 games is not a lot of mileage on a ball -- any ball. Unless he's totally tracked the thing out by throwing it on a brickyard, the conclusion doesn't make sense. I've read the same type of statements posted about the Apex Intensity, and I can say with certainty that after owning two of them, they do not die after 50 games.

If it's free, I would personally take the chance on the Adrenaline. Give it a hot water bath and a minor resurface/polish, and the ball should be good to go.


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Re: Dead Adrenalines?
« Reply #4 on: June 17, 2003, 12:25:38 PM »
I'll gladly take the adrenaline from your friend and pay shipping!!!


Let me know!!!
It takes Courage to have Faith, and Faith to have Courage.

James M. McCurley, New Orleans, Louisiana


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Re: Dead Adrenalines?
« Reply #5 on: June 17, 2003, 12:31:32 PM »
I was always puzzled about those sort of observations as well considering the ball was well taken care of.

My only other concern was that he had the ball resurfaced using wet sandpaper. I know of reports that say that sandpaper is too hard & grinds off / smooths out the particles in some balls. That's why I was going to resurface with a light touch of a burgandy, then green, then light gray scotchbrite.

As I think about it, even if the ball has lost some "oomf" I might still pick it up from him & use it for up the boards on a flood, where my resins just aren't making the turn. I would think the mere fact it's a particle would help give it a bit of a move.


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Re: Dead Adrenalines?
« Reply #6 on: June 17, 2003, 12:35:21 PM »
Lucky, if I dont take it I'll probably post it on here in the for sale for him.

I'm guessing he'll probably want $40-50 for it. Not that it isn't worth it considering the amazing condition it's in.

Back to my original point, has anyone else noticed that these balls have virtually disappeared from the racks? I hardly ever see anyone throwing one, whereas 8-9 months ago it seemed EVERYONE had one.


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Re: Dead Adrenalines?
« Reply #7 on: June 17, 2003, 01:09:42 PM »
Bjaardker: Good decision to consider picking it up.

It sometimes upsets people when I say this, but I consider balls in the Apex line to be IQ balls, so if you don't have success with them, it says more about your game than the ball itself. The only thing I would suggest is to stay away from leverage drillings in the Apex line (label, stacked), and go more with a CG out type pattern. The cores in the Apex promote a real flippy reaction when drilled overly aggressive, so be careful here.

As to why you don't see more Adrenalines around, I can't answer that. I can make an observation about the disappearance (i.e. turnover) of aggressive balls in general. Most bowler who buy high-end equipment really aren't at a level to use the stuff effectively, and quickly become disenchanted when the balls do not produce magic. So they blame lack of results on the ball and move onto the next "magic bullet" of the month.

In general, unless a bowler is in the 210+ average range and knows how to use equipment as a tool instead of a solution, he/she should not be allowed to buy these monsters. But that will never happen.


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Re: Dead Adrenalines?
« Reply #8 on: June 17, 2003, 01:59:02 PM »
It sometimes upsets people when I say this, but I consider balls in the Apex line to be IQ balls, so if you don't have success with them, it says more about your game than the ball itself.

Not that this upsets me whatsoever, however, coming from you Steven, I find it quite funny.  You are such an intelligent person, yet you throw a statement out that is very "blinders" oriented.

So you 're saying it's impossible for the Apex balls NOT to fit with someones game ??
Jeff -what I am: Revs -what I want!


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Re: Dead Adrenalines?
« Reply #9 on: June 17, 2003, 02:33:54 PM »
  Get the ball. Use what means you want to get the oil out and keep good care of it.  The cover stocks on some of the Ebonite equipment soak up a lot of oil.  When the reaction seems to go away, just repeat the process and get the oil out.
OLI - USAF Retired and Pro Shop Operator
<font color=purple>OLI - <b>USAF Retired</b> and Pro Shop Operator</font id=purple>


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Re: Dead Adrenalines?
« Reply #10 on: June 17, 2003, 02:41:50 PM »
Jeff: The Apex line of balls are, in general, very condition specific with respect to intended purpose. Just as you wouldn't generally buy a high-end Porsche Turbo for primary duty to the corner grocery store, you shouldn't consider an Apex for most blocked league play. At best, the core/cover is overkill, and at worst, you'll be fighting ball overreaction most of the night. Ebonite says "The evolution of the Apex series continues to provide the high-end bowler with the newest in particle technology". This is not an advertisement for the ball to be used as the 'weapon of choice' in 6:00pm beer leagues.

So I don't believe I made any statements with 'blinders' on here. To answer your following statement specifically:

So you 're saying it's impossible for the Apex balls NOT to fit with someones game ??

The answer is "YES" if

1) The bowler has reached 'high-end' bowler level competency.
2) The Apex is prepared (drill/cover) appropriate to the bowler in question.
3) The Apex is used on the right target condition.

Now the same thing can be said for just about any high performance piece of equipment, but the answer doesn't change just because the ball is an Apex.

For what it's worth, I use my Apex very little -- not because I don't enjoy throwing it, but because I generally don't see the fresh conditions necessary for the ball to be used effectively. In the past 6 months, I've used the ball exactly 2 times (both tournament settings), and netted several hundred dollars because of the match to the condition.

Previously, every time I pulled the ball out for league, I ended up regretting the decision. Maybe not the first game, but as soon as the lanes began to go south. But I understood that the problem was my own poor choice for the condition, and not the ball itself.

However, too many bowlers blame the ball, and you know the rest of the story    


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Re: Dead Adrenalines?
« Reply #11 on: June 17, 2003, 02:47:31 PM »
my blinders comment was meant as you making a generic statement so to speak, but ...not anymore, you explained it perfectly....thanks!
Jeff -what I am: Revs -what I want!


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Re: Dead Adrenalines?
« Reply #12 on: June 17, 2003, 03:11:56 PM »

After my experience with my Apex Aggression I would WHOLLY agree with you.

It took a while, but I did finally find the right condition & release for the ball. But it just didn't work outside of those parameters.

I expect to use the Adrenaline in a similar way. I've just found myself needing a particle ball as of late & from what I've seen of the Adrenaline it will fill that niche.

Otherwise my Voodoo is a great all around ball & my Igniter lights up fresh mediums & some drier patterns.

Edited on 6/17/2003 3:15 PM

Next Level PS

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Re: Dead Adrenalines?
« Reply #13 on: June 17, 2003, 03:33:43 PM »
My cousin swears by this ball, he's on his 5th one already. the last 4 had kicked the bucket after 50 games or so. excellent ball out the box but sucks major ---- after 50 games. i kind of like it shoot 796 first night with it.
Next Level Proshop
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Re: Dead Adrenalines?
« Reply #14 on: June 17, 2003, 03:42:10 PM »
Bjaardker: The Voodoo is precisely the type of ball most folks should consider for league -- predictable reaction, good hit, and the can be used for most of the night across most medium conditions. With only 3-4 league games, who needs the irritation of knowing that you'll probably have to make a ball change (at some point) to stay in the pocket? That's what you get when you use an extremely oil sensitive ball like the Apex in league.

But again, this doesn't diminish the value of a ball like the Apex. Like poker, you have "to know when to hold them, and when to fold them".