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Author Topic: Dead Adrenalines?  (Read 7789 times)


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Dead Adrenalines?
« on: June 16, 2003, 08:09:30 PM »
Hello all,

It seemed that last season EVERYONE was throwing the Apex Adrenaline. However I've noticed that I see very few of them now days.

A teammate of mine cussed at his quite a bit saying it had lost it's pop after only 50 games or so. He cleans his equipment after everysession with storm's reacta-clean, so I know it's been well taken care of. Now I'm in the market for a fairly strong particle ball & he says I can have his Adrenaline for free. However with money being tight I dont want to end up paying for a plug & redrill on a "dead" ball, or one that is going to be dead soon.

So my question is.... where did all the Adrenalines go & do they really die that quick?


C-G ProShop-Carl

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Re: Dead Adrenalines?
« Reply #16 on: June 17, 2003, 04:31:46 PM »
I loved the Adrenalines. I owned 2 of them. I did not notice any decline in reaction whatsoever. A friend of mine that bowls on the regional tour had one and shot his first 300 and 800 set with it. That set and perfect game was after probably 200 games if not more. He currently uses his Adrenaline when his Inferno is not quite making it back hard enough.

I would try the Adrenaline if I were you. Resurface it using Scotchbrite pads. Put the surace to 600 grit and use Track Clean n Sheen on it and it will look and act like brand new.

As far as why you don't see them. I stopped throwing mine because I just bought new equipment. Same as my friend, he wanted to try and Inferno. Bowlers will always try new equipment. Atleast most of use will. That is why you do not see as many people using them.
Carl Hurd

Austintown Ohio (Wedgewood Lanes)

900 Global, AMF Staff Bowler

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Re: Dead Adrenalines?
« Reply #17 on: June 17, 2003, 04:36:20 PM »
With only 3-4 league games, who needs the irritation of knowing that you'll probably have to make a ball change (at some point) to stay in the pocket? That's what you get when you use an extremely oil sensitive ball like the Apex in league.

Bowling in my league is a little different.

We're a second shift league after a sport pattern league.

No one knows what you'll end up with on any given night. That's why I wanted the apex in my bag.

Most of th nights I can get down the lane nicely with the Voodoo. But after having it redrilled to roll a little stronger I'm missing a "control" ball. I just hope that the Adrenaline isn't so extremely release sensitive like the Aggression was. Then again, I dont plan on having such an aggressive leverged drill like I had on the Aggression.


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Re: Dead Adrenalines?
« Reply #18 on: June 17, 2003, 06:34:45 PM »
Bjaardker: I'm curious about the sport shot league you mentioned. Do you know how long they take to measure the oil for ABC compliance before league starts?

The reason I ask is that the sport shot league I was going to bowl in last fall was canceled because they didn't feel there was enough time to complete all the procedures and still get the league done on time.


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Re: Dead Adrenalines?
« Reply #19 on: June 17, 2003, 07:06:52 PM »

The league before wasn't actually sanctioned as a sport league

The shot began as a pure sport shot, but changed as the season went on.

The story behind it was that they were complaining about having too many 300's the year before, so the management & the league decided to start out the season bowling on a sport pattern from the foundation300 website.

Then the complaining started about the condition being too tough, so finally we ended up with a pattern in the same shape, but with a little bit larger ratio.

On a separate note, if any of you know of a sport league other than the 2 on the website (both are already full for next year) in the Milwaukee area, please let me know.


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Re: Dead Adrenalines?
« Reply #20 on: June 17, 2003, 10:05:04 PM »
Sounds to me like the Adrenaline is kin to the Storm X-Factor with the only difference being that my X-Factor didn't make it 50 games. It died at 30 so I did away with it. Buried it.
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Re: Dead Adrenalines?
« Reply #21 on: June 17, 2003, 10:21:37 PM »
I threw my drillers apex Adrenaline.  He had about 300 games on it. It still hooked hard in oil.  Another guy on my fall league has thrown his since it came out and it is still strong also. I would say go with it.

Hey brickguy... that X-Factor you sold me is still out hooking my other X-Factor. I hardly ever use the one I had 1st. THANKS!!!!!  HEHE



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Re: Dead Adrenalines?
« Reply #22 on: June 17, 2003, 10:51:24 PM »
Ty, I never did say that the X-Factor quit hooking. I said it "Died." Wouldn't carry anymore regardless of what grit I sanded it too, what polish I used, etc. Didn't matter what the lane conditions were. It simply started hitting like a marshmellow. Wouldn't carry more than 8 or 9 pins regardless of entry angle to pocket. Glad it works for you. It didn't for me. That is one Storm Ball that didn't match up to my style. I switched to V2's and they carry everything regardless of lane conditions.
"Whenever I feel the urge to exercise I lie down until the feeling passes away"


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Re: Dead Adrenalines?
« Reply #23 on: June 17, 2003, 10:56:35 PM »
Hummmm... I have been looking at a V2 sanded Ron has on his wall. Just not sure yet.



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Re: Dead Adrenalines?
« Reply #24 on: June 18, 2003, 07:39:42 AM »
We have a couple of track regional staffers in our house and most cannot use a Voodoo in our league(wet first shift little backend).  Most are using MoJo and up!

What type of great league shots are you guys seeing?
Mmmm, mmmmm!


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James M. McCurley, New Orleans, Louisiana


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Re: Dead Adrenalines?
« Reply #25 on: June 18, 2003, 09:18:55 AM »
Bjaardker: I'm curious about the sport shot league you mentioned. Do you know how long they take to measure the oil for ABC compliance before league starts?

The reason I ask is that the sport shot league I was going to bowl in last fall was canceled because they didn't feel there was enough time to complete all the procedures and still get the league done on time.

- Steven


I am currently in an ABC sport sanctioned SPort League. They use a tape machine to measure the oil pattern every night before they oil all the lanes. We just finished out 3rd night. We are supposed to start bowling 4 games at 8 PM.

The first night we started at 10:15 PM.
The 2nd night we started at 9:20 PM.
This past Monday night we started at 8:10 PM.
The first 2 nights were agony; the tape machine wouldn't read the tape.
The ABC man gets there at 7 PM with the lane man to do the readings.
The 2nd night the ABC man got there at 5 PM , then the lane machine broke down and they had to send out for a replacement part from another house 30 minutes away!

FYI everyone's average is down about 30 pins.
I had to dig out my old Blue Dot to make spares.
I am having the time of my life ....  so far.
"None are so blind as those who will not see."


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Re: Dead Adrenalines?
« Reply #26 on: June 18, 2003, 11:29:25 AM »
Our scratch Sport league in Madison, WI is dropping the Sport for this year.  

We bowled after a 5pm league, the lane man would get on the lanes (12 lanes) at 6:10-6:15, strip and re-oil, two other guys did the lane reading.  We were always on the lanes by 7ish.

Here is some added Sport condition thoughts:  We bowl at an old wood house and the shot was just too hard to keep 48 guys in the league .  The outsides didn't play and the heads dried up no matter how many units.  For the three years I was in the top 10 in average with 200, 194, and 193.  Only one man above 200 in average this past season.  The first year as a test league the shot was dry, the last two years it was oily.  I have less hand and like playing straighter, and I didn't match up as nicely with the oil.  I would have like to go back to the drier shot, but the majority didn't want to be forced to use older balls, harder reactive pearls etc.   So, the Sport shot got voted out and we are going with a middle road 4:1 or 5:1 type ratio, so it's not a league shot shootout.  I'm sad to see the sport shot go, I enjoyed the challenge, but it would be a shame to see the league be forced to fewer bowlers or just die.  Overall a frustrating situation.  We'll see how it pans out in September.  My 2 cents.


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Re: Dead Adrenalines?
« Reply #27 on: June 19, 2003, 01:33:55 AM »
It acted strong, but I never knew whether it would hit.

Sounds like the Matrix Dominator that I had.
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Re: Dead Adrenalines?
« Reply #28 on: June 19, 2003, 03:00:52 PM »
i have used a Apex Adrenaline all year and use it sometimes twice a week and it hasn't lost  bit of kick for me. Now i do take great care of my Equipment, clean after bowling, then clean at home before bowling and the put in either dishwasher or in hot water tub every 2 months to pull all oil out of cover. But mine hook like a train. the only ball to die on my was the original Apex and that was my fault for not properly cleaning it like it needed got that ball before I understand it took Maintenance to keep a ball like that hooking. even then it took more then 50 games for the ball to die! i used it for almost two years before i noticed a performance drop and even then with the use a o dishwasher and hot water i was able to bring it back to life for a few weeks at a time! i would get the free adrenaline and redrill it. Bowl to win!
Oil is served Best with fingers!
Why does the 8 Pin laugh at me!



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Re: Dead Adrenalines?
« Reply #29 on: June 23, 2003, 01:23:15 PM »
I traded for an Ebonite Apex Adrenaline from Justin Pyle(aka Tenpinitis) at the end of last year. Got it for the wife who can swiing a ball with the best of them. Now maybe this was the ball he stated died for him previously on this post, maybe it wasn't, but I did bake the oil out of this ball, which was flooded, and then do a light resurface. The ball definately has not lost any reaction for her. You just have to maintain these balls like any other equipment you own.