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Author Topic: difference between gb coverstocks?  (Read 1399 times)

iron chariots 02

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difference between gb coverstocks?
« on: October 27, 2006, 03:24:13 AM »
what are the differences in the gb coverstocks that ebonite uses on
their mid and high end balls? do they tweak them to make them more
or less aggressive like brunswick does or is it the same basic
coverstock? is the gb coverstock like storm's reactor coverstock
where the cover gives any ball using it the potential to be aggressive
because the cover dominates the weight block? i.e., if ebonite put a
gb coverstock on a tornado it would no longer be good for drier lanes.



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Re: difference between gb coverstocks?
« Reply #1 on: October 27, 2006, 12:37:16 PM »
The numbers next to the GB refer to the oil absorption rate.  Therefore, the higher the number, the more oil the ball is able to absorb.  Hypothetically, the more oil absorption, the more oil the ball can handle.
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