I've only put two games (247-232) on my TNV so far, so I don't have a wealth of experience from which to draw. From what I've seen, the hit is impressive, but I don't know if I'd go as far as to say that it is that far above everything else that I've thrown. To me, if you match up correctly, just about every ball put out these days hits like a bomb going off in the deck.
I do, however, agree that this will continue to be a huge release. The ball likes to get down the lane and make a nasty hard move to the hole, and that will be enough to draw many people in. We all know how much people like to hook the ball, and the TNV will certainly do that in fine fashion. Couple that with the ball's good visual appearance and solid carry, and you have a ball that will be flying off the shelves rapidly for quite some time.
Then again, as soon as Ebonite releases a newer version of it, which you know will happen sooner or later, people will forget about the TNV and start buying that ball up. Look at how The One has been pushed aside these days.
It amazes me how ball companies continually blow their own stuff out of the water by releasing new stuff every other month. Then again, if the public is willing to buy, I guess they have no reason not to.
I've only bowled 300, but I've benched 345