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Author Topic: Ebonite advertisement  (Read 4205 times)


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Ebonite advertisement
« on: February 07, 2009, 08:36:08 PM »
Here is an e-mail I sent to ebonite, referring to their new ads about the MAGIC in my new magazine and on their homepage:

Your new ads for the magic have Jason Couch in the background and they also have the words:
"5000 Throws
150 Games
1 Ball
0 Excuses"

  What I would like to know is, how did he throw the ball 5000 times if he only bowled 150 games? If I calculated correctly, 3150 throws is the maximum you could throw in 150 games.

  Your ad seems to be either quite mis-leading or quite ignorant. Either way, it is a good example of false advertisement.  Maybe you people need to hire an ad agency that has some knowledge about the game of bowling perhaps.

  Maybe its just me being picky again, but, if they are going to try to start an ad campaign touting the longevity of a ball coverstock, shouldn't they at least TRY to make it sound real?  To me, the way it is worded, it sounds as if they are trying to say he threw it 5000 times in 150 games, WHICH IS NOT POSSIBLE.

  Sounds like "made up" statistics which are lies right off the bat and, given the nature of some Ebonite balls, why would we believe them about this one, even without the lies.  I didn't appreciate all the Dale Jenkins CRAP they tried to feed us, and I don't appreciate this either.

  What do they think we are, STUPID or something?
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Re: Ebonite advertisement
« Reply #1 on: February 08, 2009, 05:22:26 AM »
They are probably including all of those practice shots.  They get to do that before they start bowling for score you know.
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Re: Ebonite advertisement
« Reply #2 on: February 08, 2009, 05:27:07 AM »
im curious myself
either way it beats the 30 games until death


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Re: Ebonite advertisement
« Reply #3 on: February 08, 2009, 07:45:43 AM »
Ebonite just figrued that the bowling public was so ignorant that no one would catch the incorrect mathematical statistics...perception...its a bi#@$...

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Re: Ebonite advertisement
« Reply #4 on: February 08, 2009, 08:31:21 AM »
None of the pro bowlers on TV today are using Ebonite,They must know
something that I don't know I think I will start buying Storm.


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Re: Ebonite advertisement
« Reply #5 on: February 08, 2009, 08:34:28 AM »
Actually, they have had success with PA as he used both Hammer and Storm. Vibe series I believe.

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Re: Ebonite advertisement
« Reply #6 on: February 08, 2009, 08:56:45 AM »
I saw the ad, but I honestly didn't get it.  I must be dumb?
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Re: Ebonite advertisement
« Reply #7 on: February 08, 2009, 09:02:35 AM »
When I saw the ad I was like "wtf does this even mean?", I was too lazy to do any real math so I didn't go that far.


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Re: Ebonite advertisement
« Reply #8 on: February 08, 2009, 09:12:36 AM »
You do realize that the people you are calling ignorant own 60+% of the bowling market right?

 Yeah, and I also realize that Mark Cuban is rich, but that doesn't make him intelligent or handsome, does it?  Having a lot of something doesn't necessarily MEAN anything.

And that they have made columbia and hammer some of the best equipment in the game right?

  Columbia already HAD good stuff, they just had bad financial and marketing, which drove them into financial problems. And as far as HAMMER, they only bought the name and labeled their own stuff as HAMMER, they didn't TURN HAMMER into anything, just labeled a bunch of Ebonite stuff with HAMMERS.

Did you even ask them how they got those numbers before you started calling them stupid?

  Yeah, I SAID that I sent them this question in an e-mail, or didn't you even read that part?

If they are going to cirulate something like that throughout the web and magazines, I guarantee you they double and triple checked it....

  Then I am only left with a few choices:
1. They really ARE that ignorant.
2. They really believe WE are that ignorant.
3. They are blatantly and knowingly practicing false advertisement.
4. Maybe they just made a mistake and an oversight in the proofreading of ad material prior to releasing it to the public.

  Either way, the mistake is theirs and it makes them look either blatantly dishonest or ridiculously stupid, take your pick.

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Re: Ebonite advertisement
« Reply #9 on: February 08, 2009, 10:34:53 AM »

 Yeah, and I also realize that Mark Cuban is rich, but that doesn't make him intelligent or handsome, does it?  Having a lot of something doesn't necessarily MEAN anything.

I happen to find Mark Cuban a handsome man.

I mean... umm...



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Re: Ebonite advertisement
« Reply #10 on: February 08, 2009, 10:36:05 AM »
And I said, did you even ask them how they got those numbers BEFORE you sent that? Or did you not read that?

 Yeah, I read that, just wondered how you expected me to ask them something before I asked them something. I mean, how can I ask them about their numbers BEFORE asking them about their numbers? The e-mail I sent WAS ASKING THEM about their numbers.

  Maybe they can get you on in the ad department. With logic like that, you'd fit right in.

I said they cant be a bunch of idiots and own that much of the market.

  Why not?  Being RICH does not equal being smart. Nobody can question their size ( they are the 600lb gorilla now ), but financing and marketing are two different things.

  They may have a bunch of "financial wunderkinds" working for them, but their ad department doesn't appear to have the same advantage.

 P.S. After a bit of looking and checking, I see that you are a 19yr old fan of Ebonite equipment. No wonder you feel a bit "upset" with this thread. I used to like them a lot as well, but that was before they got so "gimmicky" with so many different coverstocks on so many different cores.  Then, add to that the proverbial "ball death" that they have become famous for, and you can see just WHY I questioned their numbers.

  It would be nice to think they had addressed the subject that successfully, but with bogus numbers added just to make things sound good, it makes me wonder if they're telling the truth or just blatantly lying in an attempt to stem the tide of rumors about their coverstocks supposedly dying.  All they had to do was say "3150 throws" (150 games) or "239 games"( over 5000 throws at 2 attempts per frame ) to make things come out right.  Either way would have been accurate as well as impressive.
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Re: Ebonite advertisement
« Reply #11 on: February 08, 2009, 11:16:26 AM »
Their marketing department has done this before, remember the "own all 40 boards" ad for the Killer Instinct (I believe this was the ball but could be wrong). They caught alot of flak for that one to.

maybe they asked to have the lanes widened.
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Re: Ebonite advertisement
« Reply #12 on: February 08, 2009, 02:42:28 PM »
Yeah, and I also realize that Mark Cuban is rich, but that doesn't make him intelligent or handsome, does it?  Having a lot of something doesn't necessarily MEAN anything.

If you don't think Mark Cuban is intelligent, then you don't know him very well.

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Re: Ebonite advertisement
« Reply #13 on: February 08, 2009, 06:12:04 PM »
where is dale jenkins calling this a cheater ball?!
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Re: Ebonite advertisement
« Reply #14 on: February 08, 2009, 06:15:21 PM »
Did they ever answer your question?

Here is an e-mail I sent to ebonite, referring to their new ads about the MAGIC in my new magazine and on their homepage:

Your new ads for the magic have Jason Couch in the background and they also have the words:
"5000 Throws
150 Games
1 Ball
0 Excuses"

  What I would like to know is, how did he throw the ball 5000 times if he only bowled 150 games? If I calculated correctly, 3150 throws is the maximum you could throw in 150 games.

  Your ad seems to be either quite mis-leading or quite ignorant. Either way, it is a good example of false advertisement.  Maybe you people need to hire an ad agency that has some knowledge about the game of bowling perhaps.

  Maybe its just me being picky again, but, if they are going to try to start an ad campaign touting the longevity of a ball coverstock, shouldn't they at least TRY to make it sound real?  To me, the way it is worded, it sounds as if they are trying to say he threw it 5000 times in 150 games, WHICH IS NOT POSSIBLE.

  Sounds like "made up" statistics which are lies right off the bat and, given the nature of some Ebonite balls, why would we believe them about this one, even without the lies.  I didn't appreciate all the Dale Jenkins CRAP they tried to feed us, and I don't appreciate this either.

  What do they think we are, STUPID or something?
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