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Author Topic: Ebonite balls die faster than any ball ever made  (Read 12799 times)

Hand of God

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Ebonite balls die faster than any ball ever made
« on: March 22, 2007, 08:03:50 PM »
I have been questioning around about ebonite, and i hear daily how there balls start to loose reaction becaue the coverstock is soaking up vast amounts of oil in order to make contact with the lane, thus creating friction and traction, yet at the expense of the balls longevity.

Ebonite, though there balls are great for a few weeks, have a seriosus problem.

Now take Lanemasters and Legends... now those are great balls... I have talked to many people with balls with over 700 to 800 games... I have 500 on mine at least, and they just get better and better..

Lanemaster and Legends uses Grade A resin.. 11 lbs of it in each ball... while ebonites coverstock is 1/2 inch deep.... that is why the oil loads ebonite shells and most other manufactures..

If you want longevity, awsome energy transfer and energy retention, aswell as unmatched hitting power and carry...  Try a Lane Masters Big Bang.. Black Pearl, Terminator.. and for dry dry lanes.. try a Hornet.. then come back and post your results after you compare ball death with ebonites, sad sad coverstocks,,,,
Balls for this winter season:

Terminator - Stacked - Heavy oil
Big Bang - Stacked - Heavy to medium oil
Kong - 5 x 5 - Medium oil
Hornet - 4.5 x 6 Medium to Dry
White Dot -  Spare ball



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Re: Ebonite balls die faster than any ball ever made
« Reply #1 on: March 23, 2007, 05:27:08 AM »
So throw Lane Masters then, who cares what you throw.


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Re: Ebonite balls die faster than any ball ever made
« Reply #2 on: March 23, 2007, 06:54:37 AM »
its true ebonite makes balls that don't last long. but they are so good. that is y they sell so much. people buy the balls, they fall in love with the balls, they die after 5 months, but because the ball was so good people go and buy another one. if you can afford to use ebonite then i recommend it cause personally they make the best balls out of box. but if you want something for the long run then go elsewhere
Move left throw right....

Ebonite SR300
Ebonite V2 Sanded
Ebonite Big One
Ebonite The One
Ebonite Black Ice
Ebonite Angular One
Storm Agent


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Re: Ebonite balls die faster than any ball ever made
« Reply #3 on: March 23, 2007, 07:02:35 AM »
The almost perverse reality is that a ball does not have to last longer than half a year. It will then be replaced by the next, better hooking thing that gets hyped and noone will whine about an oil-soaked ball from the past...
DizzyFugu - Reporting from Germany
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DizzyFugu ~ Reporting from Germany


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Re: Ebonite balls die faster than any ball ever made
« Reply #4 on: March 23, 2007, 09:01:28 AM »
It's funny you should mention E's balls dieing. I have a 3 year old V2 Clean that I use quite often that reacts better than when it was new. Yesterday my heavily used "The One" was wrecking racks so bad in a practice session that onlookers had to come down and find out what I was using. My One has a ton of games on it, I just have it cleaned and polished with Ebonite Polish once in a while and it's good as new.

I just don't see 'em dieing like some of you.


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Re: Ebonite balls die faster than any ball ever made
« Reply #5 on: March 23, 2007, 09:09:52 AM »
I have a ebonite Tomahawk Xplosion and that ball probably has well over 600 games and that ball still reacts just as good and still out hooks plenty of my newer stuff, i have never even given this ball a hot water bath, just track clean and dull.
Chris Leftwich
Active Duty Coast Guard member.

Just switched to all storm stuff and absolutely love the new R2S coverstock.
All Navy bowling team 2011, 2013, 2014, 2015


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Re: Ebonite balls die faster than any ball ever made
« Reply #6 on: March 23, 2007, 09:56:43 AM »
It's funny you should mention E's balls dieing. I have a 3 year old V2 Clean that I use quite often that reacts better than when it was new. Yesterday my heavily used "The One" was wrecking racks so bad in a practice session that onlookers had to come down and find out what I was using. My One has a ton of games on it, I just have it cleaned and polished with Ebonite Polish once in a while and it's good as new.

I just don't see 'em dieing like some of you.

Word. I know folks with 400+ games on ones and total nv's, and still holding strong.
"Do you NV me?"
Ebonite Total NV Storm Special Agent
Morich Seek and Destroy Ebonite Smash Time Pearl
"Ey, Yo Crank! What ball was that?"
- Kenny "The Kid" Skidmore
The Bowler's Shop, Anderson IN
      "Now that's MONEYYY!"


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Re: Ebonite balls die faster than any ball ever made
« Reply #7 on: March 23, 2007, 11:02:53 AM »
I don't have this problem I personally like ebonite balls aslong as you keep them maintained. have a black ice with more than 1000 games and it still kills works great. i have a angular one which is fairly new about 100 games and its good for me. I don't know maybe some people don't know how to handle these balls I prefer them over anything else.

Edited on 3/23/2007 11:04 AM


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Re: Ebonite balls die faster than any ball ever made
« Reply #8 on: March 23, 2007, 11:09:54 AM »
My SmashTime Pearl has 200+ games on it and still reacts like new.
Chi Cubs in "07"


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Re: Ebonite balls die faster than any ball ever made
« Reply #9 on: March 23, 2007, 12:21:17 PM »
If a bowler would take care of there equipment this so called ball death wouldn't occur.

I have several Hammer bowling balls and they seem to hold up good.  I take care of my equipment so they will last a long time.

Lanemaster does have some good equipment.  I'm impressed by there lines.  I have a friend that has several lanemaster balls and each one reacts really good and hit's very well.

Every single bowling ball made is going to loose a little of it's out of box reaction.  There's nothing that can be done to stop this from happening.  This will happen to lanemaster balls as well.

HAMMER NO MERCY is Un-freaking real!  Using this ball is like cheating!


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Re: Ebonite balls die faster than any ball ever made
« Reply #10 on: March 24, 2007, 09:40:54 AM »
I've lost track of how many games are on my Overtime. It still reacts as strong as before.

I've never had a ball die on me. If you clean your stuff after every use, it won't "die". Take care of your stuff and it'll take care of you.
Hammer-Lane #1-Ebonite-Brunswick

Greg T

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Re: Ebonite balls die faster than any ball ever made
« Reply #11 on: March 24, 2007, 09:57:40 AM »
I've lost track of how many games are on my Overtime. It still reacts as strong as before.

I've never had a ball die on me. If you clean your stuff after every use, it won't "die". Take care of your stuff and it'll take care of you.
Hammer-Lane #1-Ebonite-Brunswick

  You're blowing smoke. Either you dont enough enough hand to hook the ball so play a track shot or the twig, or you have 10,000 revs and can hook a plastic. Ebonites covers suck, period. I've owned at least a hundred and so far the best ball for longevity has been my V2 power. I have an AO that had 50+ games that is useless. Don't EVEN give me the cleaning/rejuvenating crap.


A liberal is a person that may have perfectly acceptable eyesight, but has no vision. Off-Ramp!           


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Re: Ebonite balls die faster than any ball ever made
« Reply #12 on: March 24, 2007, 10:12:52 AM »
 You're blowing smoke. Either you dont enough enough hand to hook the ball so play a track shot or the twig, or you have 10,000 revs and can hook a plastic. Ebonites covers suck, period. I've owned at least a hundred and so far the best ball for longevity has been my V2 power. I have an AO that had 50+ games that is useless. Don't EVEN give me the cleaning/rejuvenating crap.

I totally disagree with the above.  I had an angular one and it's cover held up fine.  I had well over 50 games on mine.

Ebonite makes the Hammer covers and those have been great.  Everyone of my Hammer bowling balls held up great.  I put a ton of games on my PAIN and DOOM and have not seen a loss in reaction at all aisde from the break in period.

Every bowling ball will loose a little bit of it's OOB reaction.  That's every ball from every ball maker.
HAMMER NO MERCY is Un-freaking real!  Using this ball is like cheating!


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Re: Ebonite balls die faster than any ball ever made
« Reply #13 on: March 24, 2007, 11:15:42 AM »
I've lost track of how many games are on my Overtime. It still reacts as strong as before.

I've never had a ball die on me. If you clean your stuff after every use, it won't "die". Take care of your stuff and it'll take care of you.
Hammer-Lane #1-Ebonite-Brunswick

  You're blowing smoke. Either you dont enough enough hand to hook the ball so play a track shot or the twig, or you have 10,000 revs and can hook a plastic. Ebonites covers suck, period. I've owned at least a hundred and so far the best ball for longevity has been my V2 power. I have an AO that had 50+ games that is useless. Don't EVEN give me the cleaning/rejuvenating crap.


A liberal is a person that may have perfectly acceptable eyesight, but has no vision.

Uhh, O.K. whatever.

Let's be real here. If you clean your stuff like you should, it doesn't let all the oil, dirt, grime, etc. time to really soak in. If my Ebonite's died on me, and they soaked it up, and lost performance, why would I still buy them????
Hammer-Lane #1-Ebonite-Brunswick


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Re: Ebonite balls die faster than any ball ever made
« Reply #14 on: March 24, 2007, 11:45:41 AM »
People just kill me. If someone has good luck with their covers, they don't wear out and die, why doesn't someone believe them? I have no reason to lie, since I'm not on staff or have any affiliation to them even.

I'm not saying them won't die out, wear out, etc. I'm saying I've NEVER had one do it on me. Cleaning ANY/ANY BRAND ball, soaking/heating/whatever you're preference, will keep a ball going strong for a long time.
Hammer-Lane #1-Ebonite-Brunswick