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Author Topic: Ebonite balls die faster than any ball ever made  (Read 12801 times)

Hand of God

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Ebonite balls die faster than any ball ever made
« on: March 22, 2007, 08:03:50 PM »
I have been questioning around about ebonite, and i hear daily how there balls start to loose reaction becaue the coverstock is soaking up vast amounts of oil in order to make contact with the lane, thus creating friction and traction, yet at the expense of the balls longevity.

Ebonite, though there balls are great for a few weeks, have a seriosus problem.

Now take Lanemasters and Legends... now those are great balls... I have talked to many people with balls with over 700 to 800 games... I have 500 on mine at least, and they just get better and better..

Lanemaster and Legends uses Grade A resin.. 11 lbs of it in each ball... while ebonites coverstock is 1/2 inch deep.... that is why the oil loads ebonite shells and most other manufactures..

If you want longevity, awsome energy transfer and energy retention, aswell as unmatched hitting power and carry...  Try a Lane Masters Big Bang.. Black Pearl, Terminator.. and for dry dry lanes.. try a Hornet.. then come back and post your results after you compare ball death with ebonites, sad sad coverstocks,,,,
Balls for this winter season:

Terminator - Stacked - Heavy oil
Big Bang - Stacked - Heavy to medium oil
Kong - 5 x 5 - Medium oil
Hornet - 4.5 x 6 Medium to Dry
White Dot -  Spare ball


Eddie M

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Re: Ebonite balls die faster than any ball ever made
« Reply #31 on: March 25, 2007, 04:32:52 PM »
Not to hi-jack thread but:

quote - "For the amount of money we pay for a new ball these days, someone should fully expect to get at least a solid year out of a new ball."

You pay somewhere around half the price we europeans have to pay..

A new Total NV cost $400 here in Sweden (drilled)  

So you should care about getting quality for your money twice as much as people in the USA do.
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avg: 221 - hg: 300 x7

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Re: Ebonite balls die faster than any ball ever made
« Reply #32 on: March 25, 2007, 09:48:31 PM »
Hand of god, I only read the Topic of this and I will agree with you Ebonite covers are JUNK and you can't convince me otherwise, I use MoRich and have never had a problem with a ball dying that bought NIB even my WMB hooked like made even after a couple hundred games. I know Legends and Lanemasters make great gear like that to. As far as Ebonite goes they can take it and throw their crap in the river!

If you like MoRich, then you'll like Brunswick. After all, Brunswick makes the covers for MoRich.
Mike Zadler
Using the best brand in the nation, BRUNSWICK!!!
Below, my stats from previous seasons:
Winter season averages at Sunset Lanes in Waukegan IL.
Wed. Nite Ave: 200
Thur. Nite Ave: 217

Brunswick balls have always been known for their long lifespans.  

I've heard this about Ebonite (they don't last long) from various places but having never owned one I can't comment.  But there is the rumor out there.


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Re: Ebonite balls die faster than any ball ever made
« Reply #33 on: March 26, 2007, 08:14:02 PM »
blah blag blah...I just shot another 300 with my years old Vortex III. It still hooks the same amount it did when it was new. One of my favorite balls.


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Re: Ebonite balls die faster than any ball ever made
« Reply #34 on: March 26, 2007, 10:11:19 PM »
I hate to be real synical or mean here, but you are the suckers that buy them. I don't ever think there will be a ball that won't absorb oil and never die. Or not absorb oil and hook.

I think there are medium line balls that hook just as much as the expensive ones, and last just as long.

The views and opinions of Djarum expressed on do not necessarily state or reflect those of the


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Re: Ebonite balls die faster than any ball ever made
« Reply #35 on: March 26, 2007, 10:30:39 PM »
I hate to be real synical or mean here, but you are the suckers that buy them. I don't ever think there will be a ball that won't absorb oil and never die. Or not absorb oil and hook.

I think there are medium line balls that hook just as much as the expensive ones, and last just as long.

The views and opinions of Djarum expressed on do not necessarily state or reflect those of the

Great reply!  Hell yes!  All bowling balls absorb oil!  Every bowling ball made will loose a little bit of it's out of box reaction.  

If someone says that Ebonites covers don't last 50 games then there making themselves sound stupid!  I'm sorry but that's what it sounds like!  I have bought a lot of bowling balls overe the last 4 seasons.  I have bought balls from 4 different ball makers.  I have not seen one ball loose much reaction at the 50 game mark.  I had an angular one.  That ball had way over 50 games on it and still hooked a ton on the back end.  I traded it in because it was too strong on the back end for my needs.

This post is filled with a ton of ignorant statements.  Ball cover dies after 50 games HAHAHAHA!  Ya Right!

If you don't like Ebonites equipment then don't buy.  Why sit on here and keep complaining.
HAMMER NO MERCY is Un-freaking real!  Using this ball is like cheating!

Eddie M

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Re: Ebonite balls die faster than any ball ever made
« Reply #36 on: March 26, 2007, 10:40:08 PM »

This post is filled with a ton of ignorant statements.  Ball cover dies after 50 games HAHAHAHA!  Ya Right!

"it never happened to me, so it must never happen to anyone"... yet another ignorant statement to add to the rest.  

Right Handed
Motiv Venom Shock, Motiv Freestyle, Storm Mix
avg: 221 - hg: 300 x7

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Storm Street Fight, Storm Mix
avg: 180


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Re: Ebonite balls die faster than any ball ever made
« Reply #37 on: March 26, 2007, 11:49:11 PM »
I don't put a lot of hand on the ball, but also don't put a ton of speed on either.  I never have had a ball *die* on me.  It may lose some of its reaction but never had a ball go from 25 boards hooking to straight, maybe just 25-20, and thats with just cleaning it after every set, never giving it a deep soak.
Brunswick,Lane#1,Morich,Hammer,Ebonite,Columbia,AMF,Storm,RotoGrip,Track......they all leave ten pins, I swear after I try dynothane and lanemaster if the ten pin is still there I might begin to think it might just be
 me...... (finally decided to add a signature)

Same here!  I know several bowlers on here have said that there high performance ball went from hooking to going straighter than a plastic ball.  I guess if that happened to me I would be ticked off.

I have bought a lot of bowling balls over the years.  I'm 36 years old and have been bowling for a long time.  I have never seen anyones high end bowling ball stop hooking all together.

HAMMER NO MERCY is Un-freaking real!  Using this ball is like cheating!


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Re: Ebonite balls die faster than any ball ever made
« Reply #38 on: March 26, 2007, 11:58:10 PM »
Strictly from an outside standpoint, since I haven't thrown an E ball in quite a few years(the apex intensity was the last).  I think they HAD a problem with rapid oil saturation that they've fixed.  I see lots of E in my area and the Total NV and Infinite One are all over the place.

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Re: Ebonite balls die faster than any ball ever made
« Reply #39 on: March 27, 2007, 12:01:24 AM »
Any bowlers really expecting a ball to last "forever" probably don't know enough about the game or proper technique to know when, or if, a balls performance level has dropped, and likely would not care anyways.

 For the amount of money we pay for a new ball these days, someone should fully expect to get at least a solid year out of a new ball.  And by year, I mean 1 full summer league, 1 full fall league, any tournaments, and practice.  Perhaps some people like buying 4 or 5 new balls every year, but many people don't have an extra $1k laying around to do that.

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Re: Ebonite balls die faster than any ball ever made
« Reply #40 on: March 27, 2007, 08:38:43 AM »
I hate to be real synical or mean here, but you are the suckers that buy them. I don't ever think there will be a ball that won't absorb oil and never die. Or not absorb oil and hook.

I think there are medium line balls that hook just as much as the expensive ones, and last just as long.

The views and opinions of Djarum expressed on do not necessarily state or reflect those of the

Great reply!  Hell yes!  All bowling balls absorb oil!  Every bowling ball made will loose a little bit of it's out of box reaction.  

If someone says that Ebonites covers don't last 50 games then there making themselves sound stupid!  I'm sorry but that's what it sounds like!  I have bought a lot of bowling balls overe the last 4 seasons.  I have bought balls from 4 different ball makers.  I have not seen one ball loose much reaction at the 50 game mark.  I had an angular one.  That ball had way over 50 games on it and still hooked a ton on the back end.  I traded it in because it was too strong on the back end for my needs.

This post is filled with a ton of ignorant statements.  Ball cover dies after 50 games HAHAHAHA!  Ya Right!

If you don't like Ebonites equipment then don't buy.  Why sit on here and keep complaining.
HAMMER NO MERCY is Un-freaking real!  Using this ball is like cheating!


That was only one of my points. The second point was that the consumers are the ones dupeing themselves for buying the equipment.

The views and opinions of Djarum expressed on do not necessarily state or reflect those of the


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Re: Ebonite balls die faster than any ball ever made
« Reply #41 on: March 28, 2007, 08:09:30 PM »
Well, all I can say is that after 17 years, my Ebonite Gyro can still hook around 5 boards.  Maybe not much more than that, but it still gets its 5.

But now, it has been demoted to being my spare ball.  Aaah well.

And before anyone gets excited about an Ebonite ball lasting 17 years, 10 of those were in a bag in storage.
The Gathering 2014 is near.  July 25-27 in Winston Salem, NC @ Creekside lanes.


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Re: Ebonite balls die faster than any ball ever made
« Reply #42 on: March 29, 2007, 06:32:04 AM »
Maybe I am missing the point here, but what is all the complaining about?

  If you bowl a 36 week league, 36 x 3 = 108 games.  A lot of the posts are complaining about balls dyeing after "only 400-500" games. If you bowl 10 games a week practice plus your league that is still only 360 + 108 = 468 a year.

  Most of the bowlers competing at the higher levels are going to have several balls and will not be using the same one all the time, so this would only add to the longevity of a balls life. And usually bowlers at this level are used to having balls performance levels drop and are readily replacing older stock balls with newer ones anyway.

  If you are just a league bowler, you probably don't bowl 10 practice games a week ( on average ), so your ball should last at least 1 season, perhaps even 2 seasons.

  Any bowlers really expecting a ball to last "forever" probably don't know enough about the game or proper technique to know when, or if, a balls performance level has dropped, and likely would not care anyways.

  Be honest.  How many of you are going to be using the same ball you have now in 5 years? or even 2 years?


I use a Dyno-thane Pure Energy - it has several hundred games on it; it hasn't lost much, if any, reaction; I simply clean it after every set.

I also use a 10-year old Hammer 3D Superhook; needless to say it has thousands of games on it; it still reacts almost like new.  I also use a 12-year old Columbia Aftershock which is just now acting like it's dead.

My most recent acquisitions: two One's and an Infinite One.  The One's have required more cleanings, hot-water soaks, screenings/sandings, etc than any other balls I have ever owned to get close to the reaction I got when they were new.

If you are diligent on cover maintenance, you can maintain close to oob reaction.  I think I'd rather use another company's balls in the future though!

Edited on 3/29/2007 6:34 AM

Hand of God

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Re: Ebonite balls die faster than any ball ever made
« Reply #43 on: April 01, 2007, 01:04:39 AM »
Ebonite knows there coverstocks die fast..... Lane Masters and Legends.... never seen or heard of even one ball dying... becuase of the amount and quality of resin used... i have 5 different balls... by Lm&L.. and everyone on the Lm&L section agrees...  Ebonite is just trying to win big on the tour, so you buy there balls... sure they got great stuff, but it don't last at all... 50 games and there balls loose reaction..

total VC .. the ONE .. all of those new ones with agressive oil absoption ratings

Sorry but if u drop 200 dollars on a ball.. you should get 500-1000 games on it
and not have to get the oil out of the coverstock every 30 games..

that is just sad

Balls for this winter season:

Terminator - Stacked - Heavy oil
Big Bang - Stacked - Heavy to medium oil
Kong - 5 x 5 - Medium oil
Hornet - 4.5 x 6 Medium to Dry
White Dot -  Spare ball

Edited on 4/1/2007 1:04 AM


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Re: Ebonite balls die faster than any ball ever made
« Reply #44 on: April 01, 2007, 11:25:48 AM »
HEY HoG and other BR members!

I'm currently doing an experiment on The One as I stated previously in another thread. So far this ball has 15 games on it and things are fine! Will have an update and am taking video shots of the ball as of 10/25/50/75/100 games on it too as well! Will let you know the conclusion of my experiment...until then, God Bless You All and have a great week!

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Re: Ebonite balls die faster than any ball ever made
« Reply #45 on: April 01, 2007, 11:47:43 AM »
I've yet to have a problem with any of these balls:

Total NV
Raw Hammer Toxic
Hammer Black Widow

Actually, a little coverstock death might make them fit my game a little better!