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Author Topic: ebonite demo day review (palmdale/lancaster, ca)  (Read 1659 times)

the pizz

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ebonite demo day review (palmdale/lancaster, ca)
« on: November 06, 2006, 02:18:58 AM »
I worked a demo day saturday and sunday in palmdale and lancaster, ca. The names of the centers were Brunswick Sands and Brunswick Vista lanes. The turnout was great, over 80 bowlers showed up and demo'd the products. What also made it nice was the hospitality of the centers and pro shop, both ran by tiffany gates. She also gave each bowler a $15 dollar off coupon for her shops.

The balls available for demo were the Angular One, Infinite One, SR300, and RXS300. All in box finish.

All the balls were layed out the same. Pin above bridge and bomb in the 45 degree position. This will show the difference between the balls layed out similar.

It was amazing to see the differences between the balls for the different types of bowlers. I have a better understanding of why certain balls work for some and not others.

Overall the ball of choice was the angular one. Many were impressed by the reaction they got. They said " it gave a different look to the pocket " or " I haven't played that line in this house before ".

If you'd like to run a demo days in your area contact ebonite. What better way to make a decision on buying a ball when u can test the ball first hand! Only from Ebonite.
Paul Smith
Ebonite Regional Staff



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Re: ebonite demo day review (palmdale/lancaster, ca)
« Reply #1 on: November 06, 2006, 10:27:29 AM »
What was the reaction to the RXS300 compared to the SR300 and the Angular One. I've been looking at the RXS300, but I don't know where it would fit.
Mike Thomas
Mooresville, NC
Mike Thomas


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Re: ebonite demo day review (palmdale/lancaster, ca)
« Reply #2 on: November 06, 2006, 10:27:40 AM »
What was the reaction to the RXS300 compared to the SR300 and the Angular One. I've been looking at the RXS300, but I don't know where it would fit.
Mike Thomas
Mooresville, NC
Mike Thomas


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Re: ebonite demo day review (palmdale/lancaster, ca)
« Reply #3 on: November 06, 2006, 11:25:57 AM »
Did they use the house shot at Vista for the Demo Day? Last time I was there, I was hooking a Desert Heat across the whole lane.

the pizz

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Re: ebonite demo day review (palmdale/lancaster, ca)
« Reply #4 on: November 06, 2006, 11:55:32 AM »
the rxs vs the sr 300 was more of a sharper break point. the sr300 does have some kick in the back end but its more smooth overall. the sr300 was also a dull oob finish vs the shiny pearl of the rxs.

yes they had the house shot at both houses. Sands was really dry and Vista was the typical wall shot. at vista people were able to play straight up 10 and swing it out to the gutter.
Paul Smith
Ebonite Regional Staff

the pizz

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Re: ebonite demo day review (palmdale/lancaster, ca)
« Reply #5 on: November 06, 2006, 07:56:13 PM »
Depends on the condition and style plus the reaction you want. If you want a strong back end movement, the rxs. if u want a nice strong arc, the sr

The sr300 = strong reactive
The rxs300 = reactive xtra snap

Paul Smith
Ebonite Regional Staff