Well,in response to my own posting,I went to the demo days.It was o.k.Not a lot of people showed.Kid from the pro shop set us up on lanes.Staff showed up and all the equipment was Track?I wasn't aware that Ebonite,Track,Hammer and Columbia are all made by one Co.The fitting of a ball to my hand didn't really work out,but I made due.Could get a good roll on the ball.
I'm sort of new back into the bowling world and all I see is the same from 10yrs.ago.Total saturation of the market.And I can't afford 200+ bucks for a ball every time the next best thing comes out!
They used the three newest pieces,The Uprising,The Temper Tantrum and The Kinetic Pearl,all seemed like good hitting balls.Since being back in the game and re-establishing my game,I see pearl as the way to go for my style.I've slow ball speed and just enough revs.to get good reaction.I'm a tweener in the truest sense so...Have a dull ball for if and when I find enough oil.
Anyway,overall not a bad experience.I would suggest it if someone has questions and wants to try some new stuff.