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Author Topic: Ebonite FIRE  (Read 3264 times)

Ric Clint

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Ebonite FIRE
« on: June 07, 2004, 03:00:19 PM » says this ball is for Medium/Light Oil.

Do what?

It does have a pearl cover. The core is a High RG, High Differential, high flare, round core.

The 15lb version has a RG of 2.62 and a RG Differential of .062

With this much Differential it will have alot of Flare Potential! So how in the world is it going to be able to get through Medium/Light and drier heads when it's flaring 12"?

How is this a Medium/Light Oil ball if it flares 15"?

Pss.. It looks like the TORNADO weightblock with a little different twist!



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Re: Ebonite FIRE
« Reply #1 on: June 08, 2004, 02:27:18 PM »
Ric, I don't know if you were bowling back then(from reading your profile) but this is a remake of the original Stinger.  Core wise, just a pearlized version of the V2 Clean coverstock.  It is definately for the lighter side of mediums as was the original Stinger back in the day.  It saves all of its flare for the last 20 feet which can make for some unreal angles on the backend, as well as over-under as a drawback.  The poster above me made a great analogy.  I told a guy the other day, this ball is like putting bicycle tires on a harley.  It's gonna turn a corner like a mofo, but skid and be uncontrollable unless you change those tires(coverstock).  I think this would be an excellent ball with a light sanding or in the hands of the more experienced bowler.
-DJ Marshall
Teal Rhino Pro for life