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Author Topic: Ebonite Hook Again  (Read 1160 times)


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Ebonite Hook Again
« on: September 14, 2004, 04:15:27 PM »
Does anyone have any experience with the "Ebonite Hook Again" product.  i.e. how well does it work etc.  I'm considering purchasing it but wonder how well it works or if there is a better way to restore older balls.



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Re: Ebonite Hook Again
« Reply #1 on: September 15, 2004, 02:57:52 AM »
since no one else has said anything,

had a teammate use one batch on 3 balls(ebo addiction, aggression, hammer vicious particle)...addiction showed new life(not sure how long though)...aggression was ok before the hook again and was a little better after..vicious not sure havent seen or heard how it rolls for him yet....

its kinda like sawdust....we got a 1 1/2 inch twig out of ours when we were pouring it in the chamber with the first ball.
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Re: Ebonite Hook Again
« Reply #2 on: September 15, 2004, 08:56:03 AM »
Had done it to a dull savage and also a Columbia Game Pearl. Have had excellent results to date. Can't comment on how long but the first few weeks for my customer with the savage he has been tearing them up. We did it to his savage after week one with no change in oil pattern. He was about 4-5 boards with his feet deeper and 3 on the lane. We took notes of this as it is the first two customers to use it here. The game pearl has only been used once since it came out and this righty noted about the same difference from before to after. I will be throwing one of my V2's in towards the middle of the year. I use Doc's Elixir on all my equipment but this ball has a few hundred games and want to see if a change is noticeable.


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Re: Ebonite Hook Again
« Reply #3 on: September 15, 2004, 09:19:24 AM »
We've used the system on some of our customers balls and have seen varying degrees of recovery.  I have used it on my own X-Factor and V2.  The XF came back some butthe difference on the V2 was more pronounced.  I have an old Too Hot sitting at home that I keep wanting to put through a treatment.  That ball is basically dead so it would be a great test.
-Chris: DJ's Pro Shop : Auburn, MA