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Author Topic: Ebonite hook again chamber  (Read 3103 times)


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Ebonite hook again chamber
« on: January 14, 2004, 05:20:55 PM »
OK I got mine in yesterday and used it for the first time last night.
To my surprize i didn't know the compound that comes with the kit is in a dry form, I thought it would be a liquid ? So basically all the compound is , Is a
oil absorbant.

OK ,Here is my question to anyone that may have a hook again chamber or may be familar with the product. (1st off let me say i work at for a oil Co. and deal with sorbants on a daily basis) . So why can't i use a oil dry / sorbant in my chamber in replace of the hook again compound ? It will do the same thing draw the oil out the ball with out using heat or any liquid degreaser.

Alrighty guy's let me have it.



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Re: Ebonite hook again chamber
« Reply #1 on: January 15, 2004, 08:26:08 AM »
Sounds to me like it should work. I am still not sold on the idea anyway. That is not to say I am a expert on the subject but if a ball is soaked with lane oil and you put your hand on it the oil will rise to the surface. So if you put your ball in (kitty litter) what is going to bring the oil to the surface?? I still think warm water and Dawn is the most logical way to go. Storm claims they have no data on their balls soaking in oil. I have to say my storm equipment doesn't act like my old Brunswick Zone equipment being that after a couple of months with the Brunswick equipment if you touched the ball you would see your hand print in oil on the surface of the ball! If someone has a reason why this Ebonite device is the way to go I would sure like to hear it.


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Re: Ebonite hook again chamber
« Reply #2 on: January 15, 2004, 08:39:02 AM »
iommifan, I think it could have somthing to do with the chamber it self more then the compound.(i.e I think that since it is compressed in the chamber and when the compound starts soaking up the oil it may expand alittle therefore creating a pressure inside the chamber , more pressure on the ball with the compound soaking up more oil. just my theory as of now.

does it really work don't know yet, the ball has to sit in the chamber for 24hrs
then has to be cleaned with hook again cleaner / which says it brings back the tackiness of the ball.


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Re: Ebonite hook again chamber
« Reply #3 on: January 15, 2004, 08:41:42 AM »
Can't be to much pressure the chamber is held to together with large paper clips. No where near enough pressure to affect a bowling ball. I don't know alot about liquid migration tendencies. I know solder travels towards heat, etc... But I don't know if somehow oil will migrate outwards towards a dry surface. I somehow don't think so though.


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Re: Ebonite hook again chamber
« Reply #4 on: January 15, 2004, 01:01:26 PM »
Copied my response from the Brunswick forum.

It looks like a mix between oil dry and vermiculite, but there must be some other chemical mixed in that removes the "excess" plasticizer (according to the manufacturer). My proshop went to a seminar where they were demonstrating the product. The demonstrator got some of the powder up his nose and suffered a nasty nosebleed.

Putting your ball in a bucket of oil dry on a hot day should draw out some oil, but that's not the purpose of Hook Again.

From Ebonite's website:

Powerhouse Hook Again removes the saturation of plasticizer and oil using a direct contacting agent. This agent has been scientifically formulated to extract plasticizer and oil from the ball using only direct compressive contact. A single application of Hook Again can restore performance within a 24-hour period.* This technique safely removes plasticizer and oil without harming the ball. The agent is not abrasive to the surface. A polished ball will remain polished after application, and a sanded ball will remain a sanded ball after application. Hook Again has been proven to work on most reactive and particle balls where saturation has caused a loss in performance

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Re: Ebonite hook again chamber
« Reply #5 on: January 17, 2004, 01:50:14 PM »
I have previously stated that I was skeptical about the hook again product. My sister-in-law has a red fuse that I used gray scotch-brite for the surface. Many games later the surface of the ball became slick and the ball lost its reaction. I used gray scotch-brite on it again and maybe 15 games later the surface was slick again. So, I decided to go to my proshop and use the hook again product. We put the ball in the chamber and poured the absorbent compound in the chamber. I left the ball in there for 72 hours. When we took the ball out this morning and clean it up, the slick surface was gone and I felt the texture of the surface again. The exact same texture I felt the first day I stripped the polish off the ball with the grey scotch-brite. She is a 190 average bowler and I watch her try the ball out today. Guess what? The ball rolled like it did when it was new. I am a believer that it does work. For how long the surface last...we will see.