OK, so tonight was Demo Night and we were able to throw this ball in our league. Many people registered to throw it and about 5 people on our pair were able to. One tracked over the thumb, so he put it away. One left back to back 10 pins, so he put his away. Another went through the nose three times, and he put his away.
The left lane was dry and it wasn't a great shot for it, but there was a free ball for high game with it, so me and another endured.
On the right lane, with oil, the reaction was amazing! I loved how smooth the roll was. The only problem I had was with the drive. This ball seemed to deflect off the head pin immediately. I tried many different angles, and very few of them made a difference. I left about 6 ten pins, which is not very normal for me (I like to leave 9 pins). The best way to carry was to hit light with some angle.
The ball wasn't bad...I did shoot 701, but it reminded me of the Cherry Vibe...for me...excellent reaction, less than excellent carry.
Don't judge this ball by me though, I haven't matched up well with a lot of popular balls (i.e. Inferno line, anything Columbia). But this ball shows some potential in the right hands, but very few of the people excelled with it. Must not have been the right shot...
PS - I'm a tweener/stroker and was playing from 25 to 10 the first two games and 35-15 the last game.
When having trouble, just throw it harder!!!
Edited on 11/10/2008 8:50 PM