Magic is much stronger in oil oob than Hot Sauce, night and day difference now the Sauce is almost identical to the Magic.
Magic is one of the best balls I have thrown in years, top 10 for me and having thousands that is saying something. It is what the hype for the Striking Motion was supposed to be, on oil easily 9.5/10 rating for me.
Threw it about yesterday twice one practice session and subbing in a league last night for a friend.
It has decent length and outstanding hooking motion and continuation, great hitting power and is still somewhat smooth.
Mine is my standard 4 1/2 pin to pap and mb 1/2 right of my thumb drilling, which is a late revs flip drilling that kills for me.
Hot Sauce skates with too much oil upfront in box, but it goes 50 feet and then has a hockey stick type of shape to it. Covers all the boards in the last 10 feet, which is still alot of them so it is not even close to weak.
The Power Swing compared to the Magic is close very close but earlier and smoother with the pin at 4 inches to pap and the cg in the 4 1/2 range. The PS does cover alot of boards but imo does not hit as hard as the Magic on the same pattern.
Both are oiler you can wheel the lane with so get what I am saying on these, did not have the Virtual out there but these balls for me are much better fits to my game.