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Author Topic: Ebonite Tornado Warnings VS Ebonite Tornado  (Read 11629 times)


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Ebonite Tornado Warnings VS Ebonite Tornado
« on: May 02, 2017, 08:56:13 AM »
At the last second I took my old smooth and strong label leverage drilled Ebonite Tornado Blue Solid.

Started out on this wettish fresh synthetic shots with one of my weaker cored balls drilled with a weaker pin and immediately created a disaster.  A miss left washed out, a miss right split.  Disaster.

In a couple of frames to the second game I went to This smooth but strong ball Tornado(that overreacts on my harsh wet dry conditions of my home area).  And after one ball I knew it was like catching fish in a barrel.  Recovery, hold area and carry. 

Though I didn't win in this handicap event I was able to hang and maybe nip scratch a bunch of 230 big hands bowlers on my pair who weren't lucky enough to have this match up I had! 

This ball I know from Ebonite's website is the old Pancake with offset puck to get a slightly lower rg and higher diff than a straight pancake block.

Now my pro shop is offering me a Tornado Warning pearl.  I can't find much info on the Warning series, but for some reason I feel they are just Pancake block balls!

Any Ebonite experts out here who know on the Tornado Warning...Pancake with offset puck or just Pancake?  Thanks!


PS of course I don't know if that is bad(pancake only block).  Lately on this same Extremus wet dry on the left, I have been almost looking like a smart and good bowler with old pancake block rubber balls. 
It takes Courage to have Faith, and Faith to have Courage.

James M. McCurley, New Orleans, Louisiana



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Re: Ebonite Tornado Warnings VS Ebonite Tornado
« Reply #16 on: May 11, 2017, 09:34:26 AM »
I recall the Warnings having a stronger Cover than the Tornado.
Also, which of the two Shops in New Orleans has this Ball?
I may be interested.
« Last Edit: May 11, 2017, 09:43:40 AM by Balldoc »