Hi Everyone,
I have a Playmaker and love it dearly, lol.
The one that I have is Drilled pin over ring with CG kicked to about 80 degrees and a small weighthole to remove some finger weight in order to make it legal. Good ball in general and for the THS, but not so much for the heavier conditions.
Since the Gamebreaker is discontinued, I was thinking of purchasing a brand new Playmaker, drilling it pin below bridge with CG out at around 45-55 degrees and taking the surface down to about 800, using it as a benchmark ball. Since the playmaker also utilizes the V2 core and #''s are pretty much the same as the Gamebreaker, I''m thinking of doing that. I do not plan on getting the Pin Slasher, even though that would seem like a great fit as it is a solid just like the Gamebreaker. I would rather throw the Playmaker which has already been a great fit for me.
I''ve had decent success in the past sanding pearls such as the U-Turn Particle Pearl and the Track Heat Remake.
Playmaker''s seem to be selling at a great price right now on most online sites.
What do you guys think?
Edited on 1/12/2010 5:24 PM