Hey let it bleed,
I had an Excel drilled up earlier this year in February at the TAT megabucks in Vegas.
I had mine drilled Pin under Bridge with the Bomb (Mass Bias) in the strong position.
Basically a 5 1/2 x 4 1/4 drilling with no weight hole.
Even with the MB in the strog position, the ball was strong yet smooth and controllable in the backend. Putting the pin in this position and that far from my PAP played a big role in this. If you want a smoother type reaction that won't be too "jumpy" for you, trying putting the Pin under your Bridge/Ring Finger. If you want your ball to get down the lane farther with a more flip type reaction, try puttint the Pin over your ring or next to your ring (remember we all have diff pap's so check with your pro shop driller).
Hope this helps!
Regards, Ramtart
"Heck Yes!" Napoleon Dynamite