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Author Topic: No Limit VS Matrix Trimax II  (Read 1090 times)


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No Limit VS Matrix Trimax II
« on: November 14, 2011, 05:09:00 AM »
This season I have had a bit of trouble matching up to the lanes/center I am bowling at, so I finally  had my No Limit drilled up that I picked up over the summer.  I found that this ball the way I set it-----I put the cover to as fine a grit level as I could--less than .01 microns and put track's delayed reaction on top of that---that This ball is the best matchup I have had on the lanes all season, it seems to match my game very well.  I was considering picking up a Matrix Trimax II, there is one available I can get.  I know the core shapes of the two balls a very different, but the numbers are somewhat similar, similar rg numbers, and both have a noticeable mass bias number and somewhat high differentials with the no limit being a bit higher than the matrix. The question would be how similar  is the Matrix trimax II in general terms to the No limit, would it be an unnecessary overlap to have the 2 balls??  The specs are different however no limit is drilled with the pin a little bit  above the middle finger and the cg in the grip center.......the Matrix Trimax II, if I were to get it is a very short pin----would probably put a 315 degree drilling on it.....if the 2 balls are generally pretty close to each other would the difference in drillings make enough of a difference to justify getting the Matrix?


Any thoughts would be helpful,

