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Author Topic: evolve drilling #2 12:00 leverage question  (Read 936 times)


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evolve drilling #2 12:00 leverage question
« on: February 22, 2010, 12:27:45 PM »
I hope someone can help  me here.  I just got an evolve.  I plan on drilling it with the #2 12:00 leverage drilling.  I am a mid/high track, 16 mph, tweener.  revs around 350.  the ball is 15lbs, 3 in pin 2-3 oz top wieght.  I am looking at a ball that is heavier than my magic action, a ball I like.  this is drilled pin under ring cg kicked out about 25*.  same pin and top weight.  any one dill one like this and what can I expect.  My thoughts are high rg so leverage the diff.  make this big.  all thoughts are good. thanks
201 league average 2 leagues
break point pearl
Mutant cell
Magic action
Cherry vibe
14lb agent-first ball I ever owned
skull and cross bones
rogue cell- not my thing