I have been bowling in a new center this year with a higher volume of oil than I'm used to. edit: this is creating a very wet center and extreme dry outside portions, they are not blending very well. The center owner is not a bowler, so he realy doesn't understand that using more units does not prevent breakdown of the pattern. I believe they are using around 50micro litres across, roughly 40ft pattern. I have tried many balls, new and old and have yet been able to really match up. My average has remained around the same as last year, but I'm throwing the ball very well and seem to not get rewarded for good shots. I am looking for a ball, surface prep and layout suggestions from someone who experiences this same situation. 16mph speed, 300-350 rev rate, 5 1/8 inch over 1/8inch up axis.
Drew Jordan
Columbus, OH
Edited on 1/30/2009 3:17 PM
Edited on 2/1/2009 7:36 PM