Well topic says it here..
Last night, a friend of mine brought his the one, along with him. And for once, for my luck it actually fit my hand perfectly! I was so happy and i needed to use it for a shot. So i threw it standing pretty much left of the center dot (sorry i forgot where i was standing, lol), and i was throwing it about 10 or a little more outside, and that ball would just flip back so hard i couldn't believe it! So i started moving more left, just testing out how much it could possibly come back, and it came back from everywhere i put it.
Next i do the most dumbest thing, lol, i was pulling off a Tommy Jones, standing in front of the ball return, which i've never done before, and did the 3 step approach, took some speed off, and revs on. The ball still came back! I threw it on the same mark, which was 10 or more outside it, and it flipped right back giving me 6 stikes in a row, and finishing with a 233.
All i have to say is.. ONE DAY, I'M GETTING THIS BALL!!!
Formerly known as Hammer33PoWer MaChine,
Action MaX,
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