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Author Topic: First Impressions of RXS300  (Read 1107 times)


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First Impressions of RXS300
« on: August 20, 2007, 02:44:27 AM »
I just got this ball on Sat. 8/17/2007 and went up and threw it in practice at Hawthorn Lanes.  The ball is drilled for a skid flip shot or lane pattern.  The lanes were set up as a normal house shot and I stood at 12 throwing over 9.  The ball was excellent it got down the lane with a excellent read threw the midlanes and a excellent break to the pocket.  Left very few 10 pins with it and it cleared the deck very nicely.  The break was very controlling and predictable.  If you did the ball out to far on a fresh house shot it really had a little trouble coming back until the lanes dried out.  I would recommend this ball to anyone looking for a nice skid flip ball works awesome.



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Re: First Impressions of RXS300
« Reply #1 on: August 20, 2007, 04:26:36 PM »
I am really excited about this ball after the success you have had with it.  I really liked it when I was practicing on Sat.  Even when I was throwing this ball every third shot shot because I was switching between the T-Road Pearl and the Total NV also every third shot.  I was shocked to throw all 3 balls for 12 games and average 215.

the pizz

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Re: First Impressions of RXS300
« Reply #2 on: August 20, 2007, 04:37:23 PM »
i think this ball is completely underrated and overshadowed by some of Ebonites other balls on the market. this ball has been a great choice on a number of different conditions for me.

this is definitely one of those hidden gems.
Paul Smith
Ebonite Regional Staff


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Re: First Impressions of RXS300
« Reply #3 on: August 21, 2007, 07:10:01 AM »
You only managed to average 215 at Hawthorn?  If this is the Hawthorn in Vernon Hills, then that's nothing!

I'm just messin' with you...

In all seriousness though, I would definitely echo explorer (and Paul Smith's) sentiments about the RXS300, it's been a great ball, and essentially has been my "get out of jail free" ball, if i'm ever lost or caught up in transition, all I need to do is pull out this gem, take out the majority of my angle through the heads, and I'm back to whacking 'em again.

I did get a reaction different than explorer's skid/flip reaction though, since mine is set-up pin under ring, MB right of thumb (about a 4 1/2 x 5 1/2 for me...) I get a very calm, smooth reaction through the backend, a very rounded motion off the spot.
Andrew Loose

1/2 of ABT's Finest

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