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Author Topic: Gamebreaker  (Read 2162 times)


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« on: October 23, 2007, 08:39:35 AM »
How do you guys like your gamebreaker and what condition is this ball good on?  I am looking for a ball on medium to medium heavy to play down the boards around the third arrow.

let me know your thoughts



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Re: Gamebreaker
« Reply #1 on: October 23, 2007, 04:59:32 PM »
Better drill it really weak then... the Demo Day layout was pin above bridge, cg below and this ball was pretty impressive from inside.  With my game I don't think I could use it on a down and in line, even on oil.
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Re: Gamebreaker
« Reply #2 on: October 27, 2007, 02:22:10 PM »
Would the gamebreaker be good complement to the toxic or some thing else


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Re: Gamebreaker
« Reply #3 on: October 27, 2007, 02:37:16 PM »
A good friend of mine, who also happens to be a high average guy ( around 220 ) has both the Total NV and the Gamebreaker.

  He says that, while he uses the TNV as his main weapon, the gamebreaker gives him a strong alternative that gives him a whole different look.

  He likes to play the TNV on a reasonably tight line over or just inside the third arrow with a small swing ( about 6-7 boards ) and just let the ball "flip" over at the rack.  Gets great carry and pin action like this with the TNV.

  The Gamebreaker, however, is just as strong, but in a whole different way, so he says.  It still needs oil in the heads, but is MUCH more controllable off the dry, and in fact from my observations of him using it, WANTS to be thrown further out into the dry and "around the corner" so to speak.  While it will hit the pocket from the same line as the TNV, the gamebreaker tends to ping quite a few more tens.  That problem seems to go away when you allow it to go a little further out and "make the corner".

  Semms to be a strong, early type ball.  Not one that I would think very many could use going down and in, or on an outside line ( unless there was a FLOOD out there ).

  Down the boards around the third arrow doesn't work well for him using the gamebreaker.  It will hit the pocket for him, just doesn't seem to "face up" to the pocket well from that angle for him.

  His TNV is a pin-up strong drill and his Gamebreaker is a pin beside the ring, Cg out, leverage drill which tends to be a tad earlier and smoother than balls with a longer pin to pap distance.  

  Maybe with a pin up drill and some polish a gamebreaker could be a sharper finishing ball, allowing you to play tighter and still "POP" for carry, I just know that, for him, it is strong, smooth, predictable, and wants to make the corner before it carries really well.
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Re: Gamebreaker
« Reply #4 on: October 27, 2007, 02:51:35 PM »
I am just starting to get used to my Gamebreaker now. It took me awhile. It's very strong but it hits nice.


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Re: Gamebreaker
« Reply #5 on: October 27, 2007, 06:09:08 PM »
i threw the gamebreaker at a demo day the other night the inside track was pretty fried i moved outside with good success. Ball held line and flipped hard when it saw the pocket and blistered the rack. I rewally like it ,but anymore balls and i am going to scream.
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