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Author Topic: GameBreaker  (Read 6927 times)

Monster Stitch

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« on: October 06, 2008, 08:29:35 AM »
I'm thinking of getting a GB and debating how to do drill it. I want this to handle med/heavy oil. I know the core is very early rolling which makes me want to drill pin under but a friend of mine who bowls regionals says to drill it pin up. He says that it will give me better finish but still have the early roll in front.

Give me your insights and experiences with the ball.

Team Banger Bowling Test Staff


Monster Stitch

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Re: GameBreaker
« Reply #16 on: November 20, 2008, 04:25:26 PM »
How do you guys like your GB polished?

DO you see more backend?
Team Banger Bowling Test Staff


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Re: GameBreaker
« Reply #17 on: November 20, 2008, 04:30:45 PM »
I have two gamebreakers, one pin up with polish, and one pin down kept dull. On a more typical medium oiled house shot, I prefer the polished gamebreaker. My pin down gamebreaker rolls much earlier if played on the same line.


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Re: GameBreaker
« Reply #18 on: November 21, 2008, 06:54:48 AM »
IMO I do NOT like this ball at all. This is my 2nd GB, and the 1st one I let my pro shop guy layout on his own, ball used all its energy by 35feet, got another one and Dino Castillo layed it out, same thing. Personally, I think this ball is better for someone with a low rev rate, someone who has hand will not like the ball as much. I'd suggest a Cell. But once again thats IMO, and had played with surface of both, and now GB #2 is my spare ball

Good luck


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Re: GameBreaker
« Reply #19 on: November 21, 2008, 08:01:09 PM »
Got a 2nd hand one as the local importer didn't want to re stock on the GB.  Made me regret not getting the ball earlier.  Ball is nice and smooth, but on some conditions (long oil, good backend) will seem to skid snap to most.

Some problem situations with which I've encountered with the Gb. But in no way am I saying the ball is not good.  (Just in case you guys ever experience the same situation.)

1)I had sanded the ball to 2000 as the oob 4k was shining up.  Didn't want to go 4k again as it doesn't last long.  On the same house shot, ball hook a tad early, I adjusted, ball got to pocket, but wouldn't carry.  I PUT IT AWAY.

2) polished it, on the same house shot, wouldn't hook consistently, but on another house with a stronger backend, ball was working so I DIDN'T PUT IT AWAY.

3) really heavy oil conditions.. shot went washout.. I PUT IT AWAY.

My point?  I read a lot here about how this or that ball is no good etc... but a lot of people just don't know when NOT to use certain ball on certain conditons.  Just as an example the post of Brickguy (brickguy, in no way is my post a form of attack against you, hope you don't take offense..) lower speed, strong ball, ball is hooking but not carrying.  The playmaker, a pearl meanwhile is "seems to reserve all of its energy..." and success is also experienced with another pearl ball, but doesn't that answer one's own question??  The oil pattern called for pearls!!  

There might have been enough oil to get to the pocket with the GB, but not enough to carry or play the line being used.  And I've read a lot of post with about the same gist.. anyway sorry for the long ramble and hijack of the thread.

PEACE and good bowling to all... HOHOHO!!!


Edited on 11/21/2008 9:01 PM

Edited on 11/21/2008 9:02 PM

Edited on 11/21/2008 9:02 PM


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Re: GameBreaker
« Reply #20 on: November 21, 2008, 08:10:29 PM »
Drill it pin up, I have drilled 6 Gamebreakers, 4 pin under ones and 2 pin over ones. I have had great success with the pin over one because you still get the great midlane read but it saves some energy for the end of the pattern. The first 4 GB's I drilled I wasent too impressed with, but the were all pin down, causing the ball to burn up on me, even with polish. I gave a pin up drilling a thought b/c I loved the move in the midlane, but there was nothing left in the tank when it got to the pin deck with the pin under drilling. Problem solved with the pin over drilling, great mid lane and tremendous carry because of the angles I can play with the ball. Drill it that way, you wont be dissapointed.
Ebonite - "Bowl to Win!"

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Re: GameBreaker
« Reply #21 on: November 22, 2008, 06:12:53 PM »
I have had mine for a while and its my go to ball over anything else. I got mine drilled with the pin over my ring finger and the cg kicked out 45 no hole.I bowl at one of the wetter house in metro Detroit and I had to put a coat of shine on it, it would start up to soon.  Hope this helps.


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Re: GameBreaker
« Reply #22 on: December 08, 2008, 03:34:12 PM »
I like my gamebreaker.  I bowl a lot of games with it and every week or two I take a hair dryer on the hottest setting and heat the ball up, and wipe it down with a microfiber towel.  It probably takes 45 minutes to an hour to get all the oil out.  After I do that it has the same reaction as a new ball.