The TPC Player is a nice ball, and the wacky core reacts very well to hand changes. I found mine (drilled label leverage, sanded to 800 grit) to be a very nice control piece on medium-oily shots.
On fresh lanes, this one was (sold it recently) great to play down-and-in across 2nd arrow, or deeper when the pattern was short or the oil slowly dissipated. With the coarse finish, it was very smooth but needed head oil to work properly - but no wonder. Good ball, the Trimax coverstock reacts well to surface changes, and also a great complement to the TPC Shooter which I liked very much, too.
From today's standards, I think it would fit in the Time series or "scratch" the performance of the new Premier balls. I guess the No Limit is quite similar, maybe a touch stronger.
DizzyFugu - Reporting from Germany
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