Equipment Boards => Ebonite => Topic started by: slimeypebble on July 13, 2004, 09:42:58 AM
Tonight I had a very nice night started, threw a clean 222 with my fav ball my player. SO much control but a nice bit of action in the back. But on to the story, threw my last ball in the tenth of the first game strike. The ball came back with a big chunck out of it. Bout half an inch deep, about 3 inches long right in the middle of my track. I go up and show the ball to the worker and he said he can patch it. They have patched other balls like that of mine and turned out like crap. What can I do, any help needed, and the owner is not an option, he will just say too bad. But i can say its last game was a good one.
Also what would be a good repacement for this, would an Ice do the job or is there something compairable to it, thanks
they should be giving you a new ball...its as simple as that. if it was something minor, like a big scratch or a nick from the ball return, i could understand them saying that they will fix it instead of replacing it. but if its as bad as it sounds, you should tell them taht you are not satisfied with their work in fixing equipment, and the ball being messed up was completely the machines fault. theres no reason you should be paying for anything new, but you also shouldnt have to bowl with a ball that wasnt fixed properly that was completely out of your control. try it...whats the worst that could happen?
Post Signature Here
I agree, definitely push the issue, if the house is as nonchalant about it as you say they are, I would have bowled my last game in that house. I had two long, deep scratches in my Inferno in my track a few weeks back in a Brunswick owned house, and the pro shop operator took one look at it, and said "can't fix it, what weight, I'll have a replacement ordered tomorrow." Now that is customer service, it shouldn't take an argument to get what you are deserved, but I certainly wouldn't go down without a fight on this one.
I have had to have several balls redone because of equipment failure or other reason in the house and they get it fixed in a heartbeat without a fuss and the proshop operator is one of the best around here in my opinion.
All pins fall eventually, even if you have to use a second ball.
Sorry Hammerbowler, but almost every center in the country has the same 2 signs displayed. The individual owner/proshop will usually fix or replace the ball damaged in their machine. Not many will replace unless the ball is mangled. The parking lot is a bad example. Nearly all businesses say the same thing. That's why you have car insurance. Even places that work on or park your car (valet) tell you that they're not responsible if anything is damaged or stolen.
Penn State Proud
Ron Clifton's Bowling Tip Archive (http://"")
I work in the back of a well maintained bowling alley. The vast majority of bowlers out there don't realize that no matter how well maintained those machines are and how many precautions are taken to prevent a ball from being damaged that there are still what one might consider "acts of God" that a ball will never recover from.
I have seen some pretty horrid ball damage in my 3+ years in the dungeons, and have had balls come back nicked and scarred. Like one of our mechanics says - "You're going to throw a 14-16 lb. 'plastic' ball at nearly 35 lbs. of wood and have it mechanically returned through a system of rotating steel, plastic and rubber. All that and you expect your ball to come back undamaged?"
The bottom line is most centers have signs stating that they are not responsible for damage that occurs to your balls. Plastic and urethane balls are more easily patched since the plug material isn't really that different than what they are made of, so that likely explains the sign about reactive balls.
My place of work will, for the most part, replace or repair damaged balls. BUT if they really wanted to they could just point to the sign I mentioned earlier that hangs at many centers.
The summer... time to get my ARSEnal in gear!
Yes, most centers could just point to the sign and legally be ok, but is that really good customer service? Sometimes you have to take a hit, and maybe eat a few dollars to keep a good customer coming back, or at least prevent negative word of mouth about your center. I fully understand the center being suspect of any claimed damage that may not have been done there, or by the machine, too many crooks looking to get a free ball out of it, but I think it is great customer service to replace a ball, maybe take a small hit to keep the leagues full, and the bowlers happy.
Whats wrong with the people now... I see people posting questions in the ball review forum, when that forum is for posting your review about a ball, now I see people posting problems with a bowling center in a Brand forum... if now one is going to follow the rules then why don't we all throw away the forum and threads.. THIS SHOULD BE IN THE MISC-FORUM...!!!
DON'T mean to be rude, but what's happening to the site. 

Your too intense with the bold ambi1 i agree but come on that is too much for one post, but i am sure i will get another remark like always on here as of late.
mrbowlingnut...hehe sorry about that... didn't know it would turn out THAT big... anyway like I said no intention to be rude or anything.. just getting confused as to why the site is becoming a bit chaotic.. my apologies.
Thats cool i have just had a bad week or two on here, i do agree with putting this in misc forum though.
ambi, if you would read the original post, there was a question regarding which ball to replace his or her TPC Player that got damaged. That was the original question, threads have a tendency to evolve into something that wasn't intended in the original post. I don't think the original poster ever intended for it to go in that direction, but the responses drifted a little bit, so what? It still was relevant to the original question, but not sure if the original ball replacement question was ever answered. Let's try not to be to restrictive with how people can respond.
ambi, if you would read the original post, there was a question regarding which ball to replace his or her TPC Player that got damaged. That was the original question, threads have a tendency to evolve into something that wasn't intended in the original post. I don't think the original poster ever intended for it to go in that direction, but the responses drifted a little bit, so what? It still was relevant to the original question, but not sure if the original ball replacement question was ever answered. Let's try not to be to restrictive with how people can respond.
Thegame...First of all, I'm responding to your post only in the nature of having a pure discussion.. no other reasons ok..?
this is the original post as I met it:
Tonight I had a very nice night started, threw a clean 222 with my fav ball my player. SO much control but a nice bit of action in the back. But on to the story, threw my last ball in the tenth of the first game strike. The ball came back with a big chunck out of it. Bout half an inch deep, about 3 inches long right in the middle of my track. I go up and show the ball to the worker and he said he can patch it. They have patched other balls like that of mine and turned out like crap. What can I do, any help needed, and the owner is not an option, he will just say too bad. But i can say its last game was a good one.
Also what would be a good repacement for this, would an Ice do the job or is there something compairable to it, thanks
Chris ......
I do not read a TPC Player. Do you?? maybe the post was changed? But this is what I responded to.
I do agree posts tend to drift away from the main gist of discussion but look at the title: .."goodbye to a great ball.." that would suggest not looking for advice, but an "eulogy" if you will, of a great ball... after reading the title I read the post, and it was about a crappy center, not about a ball change or advice about a replacement ball. There was a question of getting the Ice, but compared to what? .. based on this I gave my response. I think it was just logical.. but you're free to refute me..
Secondly, I have to disagree with your use of the term restrictive.. I'm all for free discussion... I didn't say don't say this or you shouldn't say that did I??? That would be trying to be restrictive.. All I'm saying is; say it in the correct place/forum. For example, these were in the review thread for the Savage flip:
Posted: 4/3/2004 11:26 AM
HELP!!....i don't know what to do. My flip is very very slowly dying...i have put it away but i don't know what to do for it to regain its hook could anyone help me please...most appreciated
Adam Dent
Posted: 4/3/2004 3:40 PM
hello i am a child from jean oxer family if you should take your bowling ball and get it resurfaced from your pro shop
Now you tell me, is that the correct place for it? .. just exercise some common sense that's all I'm saying.
I do not read a TPC Player. Do you??
try: threw a clean 222 with my fav ball my player(since this is an ebonite forum no need to say my ebonite tpc player)
looks like it was there
(hides from the flames)
btw i had an adrenaline hit an exposed nail/screw in the right gutter just before where the pinsetters start on the last lane and the ball FLEW through the employee only door and behind the pin setters...had to go get it myself and had to finish bowling league with it(gash was not near track) and the center paid for 'plugging' of the 1"X1.5" gash just to the right of my was even an amf house
Edited on 7/21/2004 2:25 AM
I've felt the hate rise up in me...
Kneel down and clear the stone of leaves...
I wander out where you can't see...
Inside my shell, I wait and bleed...
Thank you thfonz98, I think most people caught that.
I do not read a TPC Player. Do you??
try: threw a clean 222 with my fav ball my player(since this is an ebonite forum no need to say my ebonite tpc player)
looks like it was there
(hides from the flames)
btw i had an adrenaline hit an exposed nail/screw in the right gutter just before where the pinsetters start on the last lane and the ball FLEW through the employee only door and behind the pin setters...had to go get it myself and had to finish bowling league with it(gash was not near track) and the center paid for 'plugging' of the 1"X1.5" gash just to the right of my was even an amf house
Edited on 7/21/2004 2:25 AM
Right. I missed that as there was no punctuation. My apologies.
Slimeypebble.. by the way, sorry if I kinda hi-jacked the post.