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Author Topic: Good old Turbo X  (Read 3876 times)


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Good old Turbo X
« on: February 09, 2005, 12:04:41 AM »
I don't think I've ever owned a ball that snaps and hits as hard as my old Turbo X. The other night the conditions were perfect for me to use it and all I can say is skid and left turn Clyde. If it hits anywhere near the pocket it just demolishes the pins, they really don’t have a chance. Does anyone else still have a Turbo X and use it?



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Re: Good old Turbo X
« Reply #1 on: February 09, 2005, 08:07:24 AM »
I've an old Turbo X and it's still a favorite along with my red pearl hammer and green synergy!  when condition (i.e. wood lanes) call for it, i'll use them.  Good stuff!
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Re: Good old Turbo X
« Reply #2 on: February 09, 2005, 11:53:14 AM »
been searching for a 15lb'r 4ever
Paul Smith
PBA WildTurkey West Regional Member.


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Re: Good old Turbo X
« Reply #3 on: February 09, 2005, 12:02:52 PM »
Mine is plugged and sitting on my Den. It is not the exact ball that I used for my 300. That one ended having the core seperating on it so I got the one that I plugged up. Have thought about redrilling it but decided against it.
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Re: Good old Turbo X
« Reply #4 on: February 10, 2005, 06:30:26 PM »
I'm pretty sure that the Distibutor Gran Prix still has Turbo Xs.  They have the old turbo x logo and the Sports Tech "ST" logo.  Instead of the old Ebonite "e".  From what my pro shop (Andy's Pro Shop, Chicago, IL.) says, Gran Prix has them made up every once and a while.  I was just there today and Andy's has a few  15 and a 16 up on the shelf right now for like $120.00.



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Re: Good old Turbo X
« Reply #5 on: February 10, 2005, 06:51:21 PM »
I have heard those are not as good as the Ebonite's. Any truth behind that??
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Re: Good old Turbo X
« Reply #6 on: February 11, 2005, 01:37:13 PM »

I don't think there is anything wrong with the ST Turbo Xs.  I've known quite a few guys who have bought them, and nobody has ever complained.  They were/are made by Ebonite, so it's not like there should be that big of a difference.  Some people just don't trust a ball once there is any kind of change.  It's like when Ebonite changed their logo in the 90s.  They made the Turbo X with a new logo and guys complained that it wasn't as good.  Same ball, just different engraving.  Same thing happended with the Panther, some people said they were better/worse than the Turbo X.  They were the same ball, just a different color.  People are always fickle.  

A few years back, I knew a bunch of guys that used the ST Turbo Xs for our late shift scratch trio league.  They hit fine, honor scores were thrown with them.  None of them ever cracked or anything, so I can't see what the complaints could be.  They are realatively low priced, hard hitting controllable balls.  Just like the originals.  Of course they are pretty week by today's standards, but they do quite well when the conditions are right.  I almost drilled one up yesterday, but I got my hands on a 15lb Crush/R instead and figured I'd give that a try first.



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Re: Good old Turbo X
« Reply #7 on: February 24, 2005, 08:03:33 AM »
It literally strikes again….and again and again. I used it this week after not being able to find a decent strike shot with my Blade, I kept leaving weak 10s with my Hammer. Pulled out the Turbo X and shot a 10 bagger with it to shoot a 290. The minute it would come off of my hand I knew it was a strike (don’t you just love that?). I’ve still never had a ball that puts ten in the pit like it does. Every shot as long as it was even close to the pocket was a crushing strike. It keeps the pins lower and hits them harder than any ball I’ve ever thrown.


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Re: Good old Turbo X
« Reply #8 on: February 24, 2005, 08:07:23 AM »
When the conditions call for it, it's still one of the best skid-snap balls around. I know a few guys that still throw it.


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Re: Good old Turbo X
« Reply #9 on: July 28, 2005, 01:49:39 PM »
i have a turbo x and i like mine allot too.I have had better games with that used 60 dollar 15 yr. old ball than i have with my wmb, oracle, addiction, and any thing else i have. i think the surface is wearing down tho i get allot of over under when i try to use it now . I never use it in oil,but now it over hooks when i play it or it underhooks if i swing to far right. Great spare ball in oil.The last time i bowled it i had to get the ball to inside of 5 for it to hold line i am just not real consistent playing this far out. i have loved this ball since i first got it ,when i couldn't get hook out of anything else this ball made me think i could bowl.
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Re: Good old Turbo X
« Reply #10 on: July 28, 2005, 02:37:58 PM »
one of my all time favs, lookin for a 15lb if anyone has one for sale!! single drill only.
Paul Smith
04/05 PBA West Region Rookie of the Year
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Re: Good old Turbo X
« Reply #11 on: July 28, 2005, 07:51:20 PM »
I used a Sports Tec Turbo X in this year's ABC tournament during doubles and singles.  I had a very good reaction with it.  I won some bracket money and a jackpot.  However I can't use this ball during league, not enough dry.