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Author Topic: Got my Angular One.!  (Read 2138 times)


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Got my Angular One.!
« on: December 17, 2006, 12:36:38 PM »
Got my angular one last week bowled in league and then traveling league. the first league i bowled in was a ths oiled 40 ft 1st arrow was out of bounds. I ended up with a 584 oob. wasnt bad still cant get 600. In my travelling league the lanes    
were about the same except you could play 1st arrow but there was almost no oil. Ended up with 549. not bad. so i guess while i was ranting i forgot to ask. What ball should i get now. ive gone to all ebonite balls.

Current arsenal:
Angular One
Big One
Spare Ball.

if you have any suggestions tell me please and if you have a good ebonite ball for trade just message me thanks. and chitown and jeff ussery(sry if i mispelled) thanks for all the help you led me to the right choice.



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Re: Got my Angular One.!
« Reply #1 on: December 17, 2006, 08:41:09 PM »
I see a spot for something a little less agressive..

Hmm. Whirlwind will do. That ball is stronger than advertised. I will be the go-to ball when the Angular and Big One are hooking too much.

Hope this helps some

Track Legion

Robo Rule, PoWer MaChine, DEsert HeAt  
" Just can't Beat That!"


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Re: Got my Angular One.!
« Reply #2 on: December 17, 2006, 08:42:45 PM »
yea whirl wind works great for me havent got one yet though. my grandfather has one but wont let me have it even though i gave him my scorchin inferno lol.


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Re: Got my Angular One.!
« Reply #3 on: December 17, 2006, 08:42:57 PM »
According to your profile, you're 15 and this is your first year of bowling? I would worry more about technique than blowing all of your money on new balls (according to your profile, you've got plenty).

Jeff Ussery

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Re: Got my Angular One.!
« Reply #4 on: December 17, 2006, 08:43:16 PM »
I'm glad you're happy with your new purchase!

If you're looking for something below the Big One, I think the call is to the Whirlwind all the way.  It's a very smooth reacting, easy to control ball that still provides plenty of pop at the pins.

Jeff Ussery
Powerhouse Training Clinics
Pro Shop Help Desk Hotline - 785-843-2658


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Re: Got my Angular One.!
« Reply #5 on: December 17, 2006, 08:47:17 PM »
ok this is for fins. what i meant by bowling for only a yr i meant it as ive only bowled in a league for a yr. sry for the confusion. I have actually been bowling since i was 10 and that was when i started getting serious.


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Re: Got my Angular One.!
« Reply #6 on: December 17, 2006, 08:56:09 PM »
To be serious here.

I have about 7 bowling balls. I used to think I needed a ball for every condition. Little did I know I had some huge over-lapping type balls and too close of reactions,

What I would do is keep the stuff you want to keep, sell the stuff you want to sell, and keep bowling with the same equipment until you have mastered technique, style, releases, and what line(s) work for you.

I am 15, and have been bowling pretty consecutively for about 2 years now, and I have learned my lessons about bowling balls.
ÈĻ Arsenèl - Formerly known as lane1what
Track Mean Machine Lane #1 Solid Cobalt Bomb
Storm Paradigm Hammer Black Widow
Storm Jolt Pearl Storm SpitFire
Dyno-Thane Black Vendetta Solid
- Kenny "The Kid" Skidmore
The Bowler's Shop, Anderson IN
      "Now that's MONEYYY!"


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Re: Got my Angular One.!
« Reply #7 on: December 17, 2006, 09:02:39 PM »
To be serious here.

I have about 7 bowling balls. I used to think I needed a ball for every condition. Little did I know I had some huge over-lapping type balls and too close of reactions,

What I would do is keep the stuff you want to keep, sell the stuff you want to sell, and keep bowling with the same equipment until you have mastered technique, style, releases, and what line(s) work for you.

I am 15, and have been bowling pretty consecutively for about 2 years now, and I have learned my lessons about bowling balls.
ÈĻ Arsenèl - Formerly known as lane1what
Track Mean Machine Lane #1 Solid Cobalt Bomb
Storm Paradigm Hammer Black Widow
Storm Jolt Pearl Storm SpitFire
Dyno-Thane Black Vendetta Solid

I would agree, bowling balls are not the answer.

In Hammer's case, however, I would suggest a weaker ball. I have an SR300, but I never use it. Why? Because I never shoot on a condition that's too much for my Tropical Storm. Sure, it's an entry level ball, but it is great on the medium-light conditions that I've been shooting on in the last month. I'm probably going to get another ball sometime soon, but only to give me an option above my SR300 (probably something with an early hook). My arsenal consists of a White Dot, SR300, and Tropical Storm, and the Tropical Storm gets the bulk of work.

If you must be obsessed with Ebonite, the Crossfire would work or the Whirlwind. After that, stop worrying about buying balls. Clean the ones you have so that they will last (or else you'll end up whining that yours died on you). Work on your game and don't think it's the equipment that results in low scores. Adjustments make the game.