i feel it my duty to post this not a vent or a review as i am just a novice hack not a pro,but i do like to bowl.I have had my cell over a year now ,and never really seemed to match up with it.
So the last month or so i am looking at new balls and got rapped up in the hoopla and purchased the sauce and nvd.I must say that i have new respect for my cell. the cell is drilled pin up 4inches from pap the sauce is pin down 4 inches and the nvd is 4.5 under ring. the sauce has a decent shape on the lanes and the nvd ,on the right condition is a nice carrying ball ,but the cell is easily 5 boards stronger than the sauce and the nvd isnt as strong as my pluto. medium to heavy oil,maybe with proper surface and drills,but knowing what i know now i would have gotten the cell pearl or better yet kept my money.
If you are thinking about a ball and dont have a cell you could do worse ,especially if you buy one of these. bowling balls are like shoes are to women;yeah i have 100 but whats one more.
my style, the art of bowling without bowling