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Author Topic: Haus Machine vs Abralon Series  (Read 934 times)


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Haus Machine vs Abralon Series
« on: January 24, 2007, 03:47:28 AM »
To bring a ball back to OOB condition, Ebonite says to: "Sand your ball with 500 Grit Abralon, 1000 Grit Abralon, 2000 Grit Abralon, 4000 Grit Abralon and shine your ball with Powerhouse factory finish. If you changed the surface at all, remember the steps that where applied so they can be repeated."

When I mentioned this to my proshop operator, he mentioned that he'd resurface with his Haus machine and then shine with a different polish on the spinner.

I like that Ebonite balls are finished in a manner that can be repeated by the customers/proshops.  Will I be OK letting my prohsop refinish with the Haus system instead of using the sequence of different Abralon pads?




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Re: Haus Machine vs Abralon Series
« Reply #1 on: January 24, 2007, 12:00:43 PM »
I use the abralon pads on my Haus machine!!! The only way to go