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Author Topic: heavy oil and light oil balls  (Read 1587 times)


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heavy oil and light oil balls
« on: March 30, 2007, 02:23:20 AM »
I am completely rebuilding my arsenal. Right now i am about to purchase a total nv and an "original" original inferno. Supposibly these are two of the most versitle balls ever made...Im thinking maybe i could play up with the inferno and maybe a deeper line with the total nv. Now all i need is some advice for a heavy oil ball and a light oil ball. I throw it about 16mph and usually tend to play a little deeper..about 17 to 8 is my A game..any advice would be appreciated



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Re: heavy oil and light oil balls
« Reply #1 on: March 30, 2007, 10:29:20 AM »
how heavy oil u talking the total nv hooks a bunch but if you are talking a soaking wet condition i like the visionary amb partical the passion and special agent hook with some cover alterations light oil the jolt or tropical are nice or the slate blue gargoyle


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Re: heavy oil and light oil balls
« Reply #2 on: March 30, 2007, 03:49:52 PM »
If you are talking really heavy get a fury. Two guys in my pba league had them and it was a 50ft pattern. That is not a typo, 50ft pattern!!! One was pin down the other was pin above the bridge, both got very good reaction. Im trading for one so i have a heavy oil ball. A lot of good reviews on the vibe from hammer as a good light oil ball...