I can only comment on the Werewolf.....
I've had a *few* werewolfs.
1--pin under fingers about 5 from pap, drill was something like a 5 x 1, it hated anything under medium with any surface. I polished mine up with 5000 grit polish. Very hard turn on the back, when I put some hand in it. I had two drilled this way, and a Wildcat as well, which shares the same core as the WW.
2--Pin above bridge, again 5 from pap, cg on my Center of Grip, long and archy, not a great big flip. Worked well with fresh backends. Again, polished up to 5000.
3--my current one:http://pg.photos.yahoo.com/ph/fufunbean/detail?.dir=6578&.dnm=32e2.jpg&.src=ph This one is my favorite, I love the reaction. I can get under the ball and throw it end over end and get a nice even arch. I tried it polished and didn't like, currently the cover is at 1000.
I have another spare one in the basement, if you EVER want to get rid of that werewolf, LMK.
Formerly known as agroves....
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