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Author Topic: Ebonite advertisement  (Read 4230 times)


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Ebonite advertisement
« on: February 07, 2009, 08:36:08 PM »
Here is an e-mail I sent to ebonite, referring to their new ads about the MAGIC in my new magazine and on their homepage:

Your new ads for the magic have Jason Couch in the background and they also have the words:
"5000 Throws
150 Games
1 Ball
0 Excuses"

  What I would like to know is, how did he throw the ball 5000 times if he only bowled 150 games? If I calculated correctly, 3150 throws is the maximum you could throw in 150 games.

  Your ad seems to be either quite mis-leading or quite ignorant. Either way, it is a good example of false advertisement.  Maybe you people need to hire an ad agency that has some knowledge about the game of bowling perhaps.

  Maybe its just me being picky again, but, if they are going to try to start an ad campaign touting the longevity of a ball coverstock, shouldn't they at least TRY to make it sound real?  To me, the way it is worded, it sounds as if they are trying to say he threw it 5000 times in 150 games, WHICH IS NOT POSSIBLE.

  Sounds like "made up" statistics which are lies right off the bat and, given the nature of some Ebonite balls, why would we believe them about this one, even without the lies.  I didn't appreciate all the Dale Jenkins CRAP they tried to feed us, and I don't appreciate this either.

  What do they think we are, STUPID or something?
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Kid Jete

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Re: Ebonite advertisement
« Reply #16 on: February 08, 2009, 06:22:38 PM »
I have an answer for you.  The amount of people anal enough to give a damn about something so trivial is so miniscule that it doesn't have a bearing on whether the ad is successful or not.  I'm sorry to hear you "don't appreciate it."


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Re: Ebonite advertisement
« Reply #17 on: February 08, 2009, 06:36:44 PM »
Bob Reid revised his marketshare at a recent product roll out to "Over 50% marketshare"  not 60%.  Not to nit pick...


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Re: Ebonite advertisement
« Reply #18 on: February 08, 2009, 06:53:56 PM »
"picky" ya think? It is funny how two people can read the same thing and view it differently. "5000 throws" I took to to be a combination of practice and the 150 games because practice is done without the purpose of scoring and sometimes even without pins.
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