I think a lot of any balls 'history' has to do with when it came out and what was new at that time. We bowlers think we must have the latest and greatest, at least some do, and if a ball came out against something that someone had great luck with, people will flock to that ball. I can't remember what was out against the KI's, but I'd be willing to bet that the 'latest and greatest' took sales from it.
I know several folks that had and still have the KI's and love the ball. As I have always felt, some balls just don't work for some folks, no matter how it's laid out, conditions or style, just doesn't work. Why ? Beats me, just how I feel. I could be wrong, but sounds like you have found a ball that 'fits' you and that's great ! I'm sure you'll have many great games !
Good Luck and Happy Bowling !
AZ Guy aka: R & L Bowlers Pro
www.rlbowlerspro.comSleep is over rated.