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Author Topic: Little help please.........  (Read 1266 times)


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Little help please.........
« on: February 03, 2011, 05:58:58 AM »
I am using an original Mission with the pin about 41/2" from my pap and about 1" over the ring finger.  The mb is in a strong position and the surface is 4000 Abralon.  My problem is one of the houses has put down a pattern that takes me out of my comfort zone which is more or less down and in going up anywhere from 5 to 12.  Now the best shot seems to be between 17 and 25.  My problem is that when I play this shot and miss just a little right, the ball is just not strong enough to come back for me and, of course, a little miss left is through the nose.  I need something that will allow me to play this shot, miss a little right, and still get the ball to come back to the pocket.  I was wondering if the Mission 2.0 or the new Mission $250K would solve the problem?  Or would the Track 900AT or a Columbia Pure Physics be a better choice?  By the way, I have tried my Mission at 1000 Abralon and didn't like it.  Have not tried it at 2000 yet.
Any ideas or advice would be appreciated. 



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Re: Little help please.........
« Reply #1 on: February 03, 2011, 05:46:17 PM »
IMO, it sounds like the ball may be burning up when you miss right...

I would bring it to a 2000 pad and then polish it...


If your playing that deep, then to me the lanes are a lighter oil pattern...If so, a polish ball will give you the length you need and bring up the backend...


The problem may be, that since you may be more of a stroker, playing this deeper line requires you to maintain your ball speed... If you get too fast, you may hang, and if you get too slow, you may punch the nose..


Most strokers have a problem sending a ball out for fear it may not return... So they either lay off the speed or lay off the hand...


So since you are out of your comfort zone,  maybe move back a Little right and try using the ball polished...



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Re: Little help please.........
« Reply #2 on: February 04, 2011, 09:04:55 AM »
Mission 250K or Pure Physics are out because they read the lane earlier than the Mission. A 2.0 wouldn't be a bad choice as long as you keep it shiny. This would allow for more recovery downlane when you miss right, and if there is enough oil in the center, it may hold if you miss left. I would stay away from Track just because that line is more of a downlane reaction meaning it could skid too far. As long as you like your Mission, you might as well stay in that line.
By the way the box surface on a Mission is 2K Abralon. I'm not sure if you changed it or got it from someone who changed it to 4K. With the reaction you're looking for you wouldn't like 2K either 

"Now you can Bowl To Win with Hammer, Track, and Columbia"!!

Sean Davidson
Bowler's World Pro Shop


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Re: Little help please.........
« Reply #3 on: February 04, 2011, 09:48:41 AM »
I would actually have to disagree with the first line about the 250K being earlier than the Mission.  IMO the Mission reads a decent amount earlier than the 250K although I would say that the 250K reads harder off the spot downlane, creating maybe more overall hook and better recovery. 


The 250K might be a good option or you might even want to look into something like the Virtual Energy which may allow you to stay a bit more to the right, closer to your comfort zone.  Without seeing exactly what's going on it's kind of tough to give the perfect solution.  I'd say take those couple ideas and talk with your proshop guy or some of your buddies that might know your game a bit better.

bwproshop wrote on 2/4/2011 10:04 AM:
Mission 250K or Pure Physics are out because they read the lane earlier than the Mission. A 2.0 wouldn't be a bad choice as long as you keep it shiny. This would allow for more recovery downlane when you miss right, and if there is enough oil in the center, it may hold if you miss left. I would stay away from Track just because that line is more of a downlane reaction meaning it could skid too far. As long as you like your Mission, you might as well stay in that line.


By the way the box surface on a Mission is 2K Abralon. I'm not sure if you changed it or got it from someone who changed it to 4K. With the reaction you're looking for you wouldn't like 2K either 

"Now you can Bowl To Win with Hammer, Track, and Columbia"!!

Sean Davidson
Bowler's World Pro Shop