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Author Topic: looking for new ball  (Read 1137 times)


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looking for new ball
« on: September 16, 2007, 03:49:37 AM »
I quit bowling about 5 years ago(spent more time with sons growing up).  They are now off to college, so buddy of mine signed me up to bowl in a league with him.  My old ball was an Ebonite OmegaR, but just sitting around in the locker for all those years, it developed a crack(rather large one, non-usable).  The ball worked well at our local alley, didnt break until late, but hit like a hammer!  Suited me perfectly.  What currant Ebonite ball will give me the same results?  I turned 53 last year, so I probably dont throw the ball as hard as I used to, but the old ball worked well.  Suggestions?



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Re: looking for new ball
« Reply #1 on: September 16, 2007, 01:09:07 PM »
Although I dont know if I throw the ball as hard as I used to, it sure seems like it goes down there pretty fast!(lol)  I am currantly using an old Torque Q, I had years and years ago, and it will just not finish very well at all, unless I really slow down and give it all the wrist I can.  I want something that will travel long and hook late.  The only trouble I had with the Omega was on my 10 pin spares, I had it get it down the alley and keep my speed up, or it would hook back around the 10.  When I quit bowling years ago, I was carrying a 195-197 average, if that helps you all any?


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Re: looking for new ball
« Reply #2 on: September 17, 2007, 07:29:14 PM »
nope, nobody told me to clean my torque Q any particular way! In fact it was working quite well, when the local bowling alley owner had bought a bunch of these Omega R's on closeout or something.  I didnt really need a ball, but the price was right so I bought it.  It was a much better ball than the Torque Q, for me, anyway.  The local bowling alley I bowl at has, I would say, medium oil.  Do all these reactive balls have to be cleaned or sanded, to be effective? I have done some reading on the Black Widow Pearl, and it seems like it would be a good ball.  There are so dang many choices, amongst each brand, I dont know how people can help but get confused!?  Why do they make so many?  I don't care what the ball looks like, I just want to be able to control it, and have it finish on the end. Oh, it would be nice to be able to shoot my ten pin spare with the same ball I use for my strikes, if that is possible?