I picked up a used Angular One in a trade but I do not know if I want to keep this ball yet or not.
What I need the opinion on is this.
The shot I am seeing is from 8-8 with extremly heavy oil down to 40 feet with an extreme amount of carry down.
This is a Thursday night league that starts an hour after a Jr league, the lanes are stripped first thing in the morning and then redressed for our league which starts at 6:00 Pm but not stripped again so the carry down is coming from all the open play from the day, and the the JRs just before our league.
what I want the opinion on is this would the Angular One be a good ball for the condition I described.
It is curently layed out with the pin above the bridge and Mas Bias about
1 inch right of thumb and a weight hole on axis, or can someone tell me of another ball that would work better on this shot
thanks for the input in advance
Cobalt Pearl,Tsunami,XL,XXL,XXXL,
Total NV
Thats Just What I Carry In The Bag
And In Storage
Cobalt Bomb (NIB),BCB(X1-NIB),
Original SD X1 NIB
Pearl Cherry Bomb (X2-1NIB 1 is 16Lb)
Pink Raspberry (X1-16Lb)
And Always Looking For More
F.O.S. To The Bone