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Author Topic: lost all confidence  (Read 5227 times)


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lost all confidence
« on: March 26, 2007, 04:22:25 PM »
I think I hit rock bottom of my bowling career. I can't spare, carry or come through in the clutch. I'm a 218 average bowler shooting sub 550 almost everynite for the past 2 months in my monday nite money league and I need help. any advise will help.
Terry Moore



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Re: lost all confidence
« Reply #16 on: March 27, 2007, 04:15:45 PM »
don't sweat it just ry to execute well with good execution on most THS scores will come and the advice about pulling out your old favorite ball is not bad idea I did that last night on a league I was doing the same thing and shoot 684 not impressive but better then the 550s I was shooting and if it dosent work a good lesson or two never hurts

ten on the deck

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Re: lost all confidence
« Reply #17 on: March 28, 2007, 12:22:58 PM »
I was at that same point at the end of last year. I was ready to retire after bowling for 22 years straight.  My suggestion would just go back to your bare bones basics.
Keep the feet slow and don't rush the line.
Post each shot and don't get lazy (one of my biggest flaws when in a slump)
Keep the shoulders square and don't drop the shoulder.
Keep focused on your target.

Have faith it will come back to you.....  It did for me.

BTW New equipment doesn't hurt for a psychological lift as well

Ten on the Deck.......
"Never confuse activity with accomplishment"
Gene Stallings


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Re: lost all confidence
« Reply #18 on: April 02, 2007, 07:22:54 AM »
Depends on where the problem is.  a 550 series is easily achieved with good spare convertion skills.  So:

1) why are you not converting your spares?

2) leaving too many splits or hard to convert spares? (a matter of opinion)

And something to mull over about: There is no stone ________ (place number of pin here).  Any shot that appears in to be in the pocket and doesn't convert to a strike has a reason.  Either the ball broke a bit late (weak 6, leaving the 10 pin, was hooking too much (leaving the 8 or 9). etc.. keeping this in mind might help you keep cool.  Seems to me its a mental rut.  Good luck



Edited on 4/2/2007 6:23 AM



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Re: lost all confidence
« Reply #19 on: April 02, 2007, 01:18:09 PM »
I know the feeling just keep hammering away and evwntually they will start falling again. I am having the same problem this season also. I would also buy some knew stuff to use that helps me sometimes. Good luck!
"No one runs...from the conquerer "
