I have been questioning around about ebonite, and i hear daily how there balls start to loose reaction becaue the coverstock is soaking up vast amounts of oil in order to make contact with the lane, thus creating friction and traction, yet at the expense of the balls longevity.
Ebonite, though there balls are great for a few weeks, have a seriosus problem.
Now take Lanemasters and Legends... now those are great balls... I have talked to many people with balls with over 700 to 800 games... I have 500 on mine at least, and they just get better and better..
Lanemaster and Legends uses Grade A resin.. 11 lbs of it in each ball... while ebonites coverstock is 1/2 inch deep.... that is why the oil loads up...in ebonite shells and most other manufactures..
If you want longevity, awsome energy transfer and energy retention, aswell as unmatched hitting power and carry... Try a Lane Masters Big Bang.. Black Pearl, Terminator.. and for dry dry lanes.. try a Hornet.. then come back and post your results after you compare ball death with ebonites, sad sad coverstocks,,,,
Balls for this winter season:
Terminator - Stacked - Heavy oil
Big Bang - Stacked - Heavy to medium oil
Kong - 5 x 5 - Medium oil
Hornet - 4.5 x 6 Medium to Dry
White Dot - Spare ball