i was really kinda up in the air bout the nvd,and had actually planned on not using it any more.Friday night I accidently brought it with me to league and the first thing i did was hit it with my green scratch pad and some xxx ball cleaner.This took all the shine off and maybe brought the surface down to maybe close to 1500 i would speculate.
I started out with it in warm ups and it hooked off the lane. I was leary about moving left as most of the time my stuff doesnt get back so i put it away,trying to play more direct with weaker equipment.I tried every ball i had cell gravity shift even my vg and i couldnt get any carry for a very miserable 140 game.
Next game i figure what do i have to loose so i picked up the nvd and moved to 40 with the feet,hit 25 at the arrows out to 5 and this ball drove so hard to the pocket it was shocking.I know surface changes can effect the characteristics of the ball , but this change converted this ball from an ,I dont know if i am gonna hook and carry or not to a,yes i am gonna hook and hook alot and dont care if you like it or not ball.It was phenomenal .Stronger than my vg by 10 boards with consistent carry in about 2 minutes.I had a 4 pin a 10 pin and a 5 7split due to slower speed but i shot a clean 239 with it . just one game ,I know ,but the change in surface made such a difference in the ball i thought i should post. Nvd is back in the bag and i think for good this time.
my style, the art of bowling without bowling