JPR, I beg to differ with you, take a look at the Ebonite site, if you only see ONE Matrix Trimax, then YOU need glasses ! There are/were several. The Original might very well had been pearlized, but to make a statement that if we/he didn't have the original, we/he didn't have a Matrix Trimax is very wrong. I am looking at the box, if you think, that Ebonite would list a ball, that wasn't made, as you infer, then you are the one that is badly mistaken.
That's like saying Ford only made the green version of the Edsel and if yours is not green, then it can't be an Edsel.
Her ball might very well had not been the original, as it wasn't, but it is still a Matrix Trimax.
AZ Guy aka: R & L Bowlers Pro
www.rlbowlerspro.comSleep is over rated.